Many years ago I had a guided meditation experience where I saw myself walking with my dog in the wilderness. I felt completely at one with everything – completely capable – beautiful and strong. It was the most amazing feeling. My feelings went beyond simply feeling to a knowing of being at one. I was filled with incredible love and joy. My dog and I easily scaled rocks as we hiked up high to get a view over the wilderness. Everything felt possible, and all was amazing as it was. I felt whole and at peace with all.

I was being guided into this meditation experience by a facilitator named, Patty. When I initially came into this vision, Patty asked me to describe what I was seeing and experiencing.  As I described it, tears started rolling down my face. She asked me why I was crying. I said, “It feels so amazing to be here. I’ve missed this place and this strong feeling of connection to all, and this incredible love and joy.”

LoveI wish I could experience again the knowing and feeling of complete oneness and connection, love and joy, that I experienced in that meditation. I’ve had momentary glimpses of it since then, but I haven’t been able to recreate that same intensity of feeling for a prolonged period. Having experienced it once, I know it is possible and that is a motivating force for me.

This summer I’ve spent time cultivating that feeling of connection and oneness. I’ve become aware, with a deeper knowing than I’ve ever known before, that the source of that deep sense of connection and love is within. I grew up thinking that life is all about the love you get from others and give to others, as well as the pleasures and challenges you experience from the external world. While all of that is wonderful – and is surely to be enjoyed and celebrated – I’m starting to think that the real game is in connecting deep within to that force that is all love and oneness.  I’m trying to do more looking within rather than without. When I think, feel, speak and act from that sacred place within where I am connected to all  – that is living and loving at its best.

~Sue Hardman-Conklin

Questions To Ponder:

  1. Have you ever experienced – even briefly – a feeling of being connected to all that is – or a feeling of oneness?
  2. How do you cultivate and grow that feeling of connection and oneness? Does it happen as a part of family and community rituals? Meditation? Being in nature? Observing children or animals? Focusing on your heart?