Each month the full moon offers us a valuable opportunity for meditation. There is natural rhythmic ebb and flow of energy during an entire lunar cycle, and we benefit by attending to this rhythm. But, when the moon’s power reaches its peak at the full moon, we can experience and benefit from the energy most fully.

It is at this time that we receive the uninterrupted flow of energy from the sun to us through the moon. Meditation, either alone or in a group, is a great way to deepen the transformation of the energy.

Full Moon Meditation – Pisces

By |2019-05-10T00:52:46+00:00February 28th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

This month we celebrate the sun in the sign of Pisces and the moon in its opposite sign of Virgo. There are 5 planets in Pisces at the time of this full moon so we are flooded with this dreamy, mystical energy. Pisces is a water sign so we know that our emotional bodies will be highly sensitive this month. One of the most significant aspects of this full moon has to do with the planets Neptune and Saturn. Virgo is in opposition to Neptune and is trine to Saturn. What this asks of us is to access our unlimited imagination (Jupiter) and create the structure, (Saturn) to bring it into manifestation. Some good descriptive words for Pisces are: the dreamer, the mystic, the idealist, the martyr, the victim, the lost soul. At its highest expression Pisces can be a visionary, seeing the oneness in all things, and dreaming of how she can serve. But the lower octave of this energy can give her all in an attempt to save the world and thus martyr herself or begin to feel victimized by her sacrifices.

Full Moon Meditation – Paving the Way to a New Future

By |2019-05-10T00:52:57+00:00January 29th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

The mantram for Aquarius is “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity.” Last month we climbed the mountain of Capricorn. We metaphorically let the energy of our spiritual aspiration carry us to the mountaintop where we were bathed in the light of transformation. Now, in Aquarius we are asked to descend from the mountain and pour forth the waters of light and life into the world, to share our gifts, to distribute and radiate our light.

Full Moon in Capricorn

By |2019-05-10T00:53:09+00:00December 29th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

The Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer. These two signs have a lot to offer one another. When they are blended and expressed at their highest levels they demonstrate the marriage of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, sometimes called the “marriage in the heavens.” Capricorn represents the Father principle and Cancer the Mother principle. This marriage must eventually take place within all of us. This particular full moon has some positive aspects that might help us maintain a more balanced emotional life, but change is in the air, dear ones. Uranus is active again with its energy of reformation.

Full Moon Meditation ~ Sagittarius: Expansion

By |2019-05-10T00:53:22+00:00December 3rd, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

Sagittarius is an expansive sign. It wants to raise our consciousness to its highest levels. It wants to help us envision the highest that is within us, to see our world at its most elevated. This meditation with the fiery energy of Sagittarius can be used to dedicate ourselves to compassionate action.

Libra Full Moon – Relief in the Opposite

By |2019-05-10T03:08:08+00:00October 4th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

This month the Sun is in Libra and the moon is in its opposite sign, Aries. We label it as the opposite sign because at the moment of the full moon the sun and moon sit exactly opposite one another in the sky. Libra is the sign of relationship, beauty, harmony, peace and equilibrium. Aries is all about independence, the self, action and fire. This full moon, in particular can feed the fires of anger if we cannot monitor our emotions in a healthy way. The energies are volatile and possibly explosive and destructive.

Virgo Full Moon – The Influence of Pisces

By |2019-05-10T03:08:31+00:00October 4th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

Virgo is the sign of the Mother, matter, form and life. It is the energy of protection, nurturing and sustaining life. She is an earth sign and so tends to be concerned with physical reality, the real functions of life. She is practical and pragmatic in her perspective. Mercury is her exoteric ruler and brings in the quality of a critical thinking mind so she is mentally very studious. She can tend to be

Leo – Aquarius Full Moon 2017

By |2019-05-10T00:53:50+00:00August 7th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

This Leo/Aquarius full moon is inviting us to show up as our most radiant selves. With the Sun ruling Leo, we are given the opportunity to breath into and receive the warmth and healing powers of this sign. What gifts does Leo bring? The power of strong leadership. The self-discipline required to stand strong in our own sovereignty and the ability to look deeply within to find the Light that is always there.

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