Full Moon in Libra, October 5th

When we look up at the full moon each month what we are really seeing is the full reflection of the Sun. The light from the Sun has traveled 93,000,000 miles to reach the moon and then those rays travel another 240,000 miles to reach earth. But they are rays of the Sun so when we study the full moon energies we must also consider the qualities of the Sun sign as well. This month the Sun is in Libra and the moon is in its opposite sign, Aries. We label it as the opposite sign because at the moment of the full moon the sun and moon sit exactly opposite one another in the sky.

Libra is the sign of relationship, beauty, harmony, peace and equilibrium. Aries is all about independence, the self, action and fire. This full moon, in particular can feed the fires of anger if we cannot monitor our emotions in a healthy way. The energies are volatile and possibly explosive and destructive.

An Opportunity for Healing

Full MoonThe full moon squares the planet, Pluto. Pluto is the transformer that takes what is hidden and underground and brings it to the surface to be healed.  While this may not be pleasant it is a necessary ingredient in our healing. So, if we have less patience this month, if we find ourselves easily triggered and more irritable, it would help to stop and observe and notice, and attempt to see those reactions with compassion for our humanity. In this way we may avoid explosive and potentially damaging outbursts or confrontations.

Venus rules Libra and she can be so intent upon bringing harmony and peace to a situation that she may not take a stand for anything. In her desire to keep the peace she may be unwilling to enter into any conflict thus preventing her from a deeper intimacy and a true, authentic expression of herself.

Finding Relief in the Opposite

Balance is the key here. Can we take the fire of Aries to give us the courage to stand up for ourselves, and be willing to engage in uncomfortable situations so that a peaceful and healing resolution might take place?  Can we invoke the power of Mercury, (which is in the sign of Libra) to help us approach conflict with sensitivity and speak our truth with compassion and respect for the other persons point of view?

The final opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries occurs at this full moon, inviting us to allow whatever shifts might be necessary to bring more passion and freedom into our relationships.

And finally, we have a conjunction between Mars and Venus, the image of the marriage of masculine and feminine energies we all hold within ourselves. There is power here to heal the divide between the two disparate parts of ourselves. Once this healing occurs we can be of greater service to humanity.

Full Moon in Libra

Listen: Libra Full Moon Meditation

Prepare for meditation.

Take a moment to get comfortable in your chair or on the floor. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and allow the breath to bring you home into the body. As you become more aware of your body, notice if you find any places that feel stuck, congested, constricted. Take a moment to breath directly into those places and feel the body let go. To quiet the emotional body let us imagine a lake that is perfectly still, with no ripples or waves to disturb the calm surface. And finally send your breath to your mind allowing the mind to become alert and aware but with no busyness or mental chatter.

Ground Your Energy

Feel yourself solid, connected to the earth where your feet or your body touches the floor. Breathe in that earth energy, strong, centered, and grounded. The Mother hold you in her loving arms. Take a moment to breathe that in. Now raise your awareness to the point above your head. This is where the energy of the soul resides. Allow the light and love of the soul to pour through your entire body. Now bring the energy of the earth and the energy of the soul to the heart and let them meet there, within you. Feel the alignment take place.

Now let us take some time to invoke the energies of this full moon. Let us first imagine the color yellow, which is Libra’s color. Breathe it into your heart as you affirm your willingness to receive these Libran energies. Imagine the qualities of harmony, beauty, peace and balance filling your entire being. Feel their presence within you. How would your life be different if these energies made their home in you?

Finding Courage, Energy, and Power

Next let us invoke the fire of Aries and Mars. Breathe into your heart the color red and feel the power in this energy. Imagine the qualities of courage, assertiveness, the energy of action and power, filling your being. Can you feel the strength in this? Imagine now how you might blend these two energies. How can you be your powerful assertive self and still honor the other?

Breathing into our bodies now the energy of Jupiter and Uranus let us contemplate how we can bring more aliveness and freedom into our relationships?

In closing let us breathe these words into our body

“I am the Soul and also love am I

Above all else I am will and fixed design

My will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine

That Light am I.

Therefore I must descend to where that lower self awaits, awaits my coming.

That which desires to lift, (my Soul)

And that which cries out for lifting (my personality)

Are now at one

Such is my will.”


Bring yourselves gently back now and feel yourself solidly on your chair or the ground. See yourself connected to the earth, grounded and solid. When you are ready, open your eyes.

Namaste, my friends.