Each month the full moon offers us a valuable opportunity for meditation. There is natural rhythmic ebb and flow of energy during an entire lunar cycle, and we benefit by attending to this rhythm. But, when the moon’s power reaches its peak at the full moon, we can experience and benefit from the energy most fully.

It is at this time that we receive the uninterrupted flow of energy from the sun to us through the moon. Meditation, either alone or in a group, is a great way to deepen the transformation of the energy.

Full Moon in the Sign of Capricorn 2018

By |2019-05-10T00:50:07+00:00December 21st, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

This month we come together to celebrate two very powerful events, the full moon in Capricorn, and the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice occurs on December 21st when the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn at 2:23pm (PST) The very next day we have the Cancer full moon happening at 9:48am. (PST) These two events transpiring so close to one another makes the astrological aspects even more potent.

Full Moon Meditation – Sagittarius 2018

By |2019-11-11T18:55:03+00:00November 21st, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

Whenever the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius, I take a deep breath. Ahhhh,  it feels liberating and free.  After the dark underworld of Scorpio, we arise into a new dawn with vision and hope. We have cleared away whatever the darkness revealed, and we stand poised and ready to embody a higher purpose. Sagittarius offers us the opportunity to reclaim the larger perspective, the higher aspiration.

Virgo Full Moon – 25 August 2018

By |2019-11-11T18:58:03+00:00August 24th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

Pisces can be self-sacrificing when it is not in touch with the larger picture. The full moon on the Pisces/Virgo axis is about service. This is not necessarily about participating in some worthwhile activity. It is about radiating the light that is within us into our daily life. It is a natural expression of the activity of the Soul.

Meditation on the Full Moon in Leo – A Powerful Season of Eclipses

By |2019-11-11T18:59:19+00:00July 26th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

We have entered the powerful season of eclipses. The new moon, which formed on July 12 at 7:48 PM PDT, was the first of three eclipses occurring in the next four weeks, signaling a time of major endings and beginnings. Eclipses are extra powerful new and full moons; as the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up more closely, cosmic energies are focalized and intensified, accelerating our evolution. Solar eclipses catalyze shifts in our identity and roles; impelling us to align more deeply with our essence, rather than our egos

The Full Moon in Cancer 2018 ~ Responsibility and Choices

By |2019-11-11T19:02:44+00:00June 26th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

The planet Saturn is next to the moon this month during the Cancer full moon strengthening its impact. Saturn and Capricorn ask us to take responsibility for our choices and our lives. Because we are dealing with a Cancer sun we can be emotionally vulnerable. As a water sign Cancer has a sensitive emotional nature and this full moon is asking her to take responsibility for her emotions. She needs to step away from any reactivity and direct her energy inward where she can reflect and get some distance from the drama that may be playing out in her life. She can ground herself in the earth energy of Capricorn. Once centered within herself she will feel safer to open her heart and be vulnerable with others.

The Gemini Full Moon – Shadow, Dreams, and Our Inner Voice

By |2019-11-11T19:04:03+00:00May 28th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

Welcome friends to the full moon, that we are celebrating in the sign of Gemini.  The moon is in a grand trine with Chiron and the North Node. This placement invites us to trust our inner voice and not be silent. We are asked to share our wisdom and truth with honesty, love and authenticity. The planet Jupiter is retrograde in the sign of Scorpio which means we might be facing some challenges from our inner demons, sometimes called our shadow.

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