Have the Full Moon Ceremony and Guided Meditation sent to you each month.

Full Moon in Libra 2018

This month we working  to balance the opposites of Libra Sun and an Aries Moon. Aries energy is assertive, independent, and fiery, while Libra is all about beauty, harmony, partnership and equilibrium. She is often called the diplomat of the zodiac. How do we blend these two energies that manifest so differently? Some questions we might ponder during this full moon period are:

How do I see myself I relation to you? Is it an equal partnership? Is it in balance?

Libra wants to merge while Aries wants to maintain independence.

How do I care for myself and still honor your needs?

Libra’s mandate is to look for the “noble middle way.”

How can I compromise without giving myself away?

Libra Full Moon

A balance here would be to use the fiery energy of Aries to bring harmony and balance into your life. Libra can tend to get stuck in always wanting to make everyone happy so sometimes she needs a push to get her off the fence. Aries can get too self-centered and forget there is an “other”, so he needs to open his heart and begin to consider his impact on other people and make the needed adjustments.

This particular full moon we are once again dealing with a T-square configuration. This time we are impacted by the energies of Saturn and Mars in the sign of Capricorn. Where do we feel stuck? Can we get creative and initiate a new pattern? The Libra Sun is sitting right next to a retrograde Mercury in the sign of Aries. This configuration is asking us to take a look at our past and come up with better solutions to things that we have not reconciled. In general, this T-square asks us to be committed to doing whatever it takes to feel emotionally secure.

All these cardinal signs point to a motivating energy that will be needed as we open ourselves to the new beginnings that this season requires.

On September 22 we celebrate the energy of the Fall Equinox. This is a day when there is an equal amount of light and darkness. It is officially the beginning of Autumn. This changing of the seasons also asks us to prepare ourselves for the coming winter months. What have we learned over the last 6 months, since the Spring Equinox? If we ponder the gifts and lessons that have strengthened us we can use that energy to sustain us during the darkness of the coming winter.

As nature begins this new cycle may we, also, align with those energies so that we may be in sync with the natural world, the devic (angelic) kingdom.

LIbra Full Moon 4

Libra Full Moon - September 24, 2018

Listen to the Meditation

Let us prepare for meditation

Begin by seating yourselves comfortably and taking a few deep cleansing breaths. Begin to feel the body let go and relax as you breathe rhythmically and evenly. Now in your mind’s eye picture your physical body and sound a silent OM through it. Feel the sacred energy of OM permeating every cell, vitalizing, purifying, and sending relaxation into every part of your body.

Now, see the emotional body, clear and limpid. Sound the sacred OM through that body and begin to feel the emotional peace that it brings to you.

Finally visualize the mental body, like an unflickering candle flame. Sound the OM through that body and feel the mental stillness that it creates.

Then for a moment lift your consciousness up into the Soul. See the Soul as a radiant ball of light right above your crown. Feel the alignment that takes place as your Soul aligns with all three of your bodies. Feel the sense of wholeness that this alignment brings.  All your bodies in alignment with your Soul, at peace, clear and alert. From this place of alignment silently affirm your intention to assist in the unfolding of the new cycle that is beginning. Be willing to cooperate with the energies of the Equinox, welcoming the new into your life. Be aware now, if there are any obstacles within you that are resisting this change? Obstacles that might hinder you from flowing with the upcoming shift in energy?  Ask to be released from these obstacles and reaffirm your willingness to do whatever is necessary to be in alignment with your higher purpose.

Now, let us take a few moments to invoke the energies of Libra and this full moon.  The color for Libra is yellow. Imagine yourself bathed in that color. See a soft mist of yellow descend into your room, penetrating your being. Breathe in this color and send it into your heart. Symbolically you are now saying you welcome these energies into your heart, into your consciousness. Visualize the portal that opens up between you and the spiritual realms and watch as this Libran energy pours into your body. Yellow helps you become creative, frees you from restriction and allow you to be inspired and ready for the new. Now let us attune ourselves to this energy of the full moon as we allow ourselves to be blessed and touched by its downpouring.

As we enter into contemplation let us ponder these questions:

What might be out of balance in my life right now?

How can I harmonize and stabilize this situation?

What is the middle way for me?

Now, bringing yourself back to your room, feel yourself solid, connected to the earth where your feet or your body touches the floor. Breathe in that earth energy, strong, centered, and grounded. Give a moment of thanks for any insights, understandings or perceptions that you may have received from your Soul. And when you are ready open your eyes.

Namaste, my friends.

Products to Support Your Spiritual Path

Abundantia Scarf
Intention Scarves
Full Moon Magic Book and Card Set
Full Moon Magic Book and Card Set
Full Moon Ceremony
Full Moon Ceremony