Have the Full Moon Ceremony and Guided Meditation sent to you each month.

Virgo/Pisces Full Moon

The evolutionary intent of the Virgo/Pisces axis of power (they are opposite on the astrological wheel) is to birth unconditional love, the Christ consciousness, within ourselves, and then to express it as right relationships with our environment. These signs ask us to use this loving energy in service to humanity. Perhaps when we think of service we think of “doing” something, taking some action, sacrificing ourselves for others.

ServicePisces can be self-sacrificing when it is not in touch with the larger picture. But service, in its most esoteric sense, is not necessarily about participating in some worthwhile activity. It is more about radiating the light that is within us into our daily life. It is a natural expression of the activity of the Soul. When we are aligned with our Soul, we naturally radiate its light. This is the ultimate service because it has the power to transform everyone and everything that we touch.

Health and Being Grounded

A Virgo sun always indicates matters of health, rational thinking, practical, grounded activity. So, this month we may be less inclined to be visionary, or in touch with our intuitive natures, unless we call in the energy of Pisces. Pisces will give us access to those mystical realms and dreams. A good balance is required here as we need the higher vision, but we also need to be able to imbue that vision with the clear thinking and practical ways to make it manifest in the world. This full moon offers us the opportunity to achieve equilibrium between these two energies.

With the Pisces moon sextile Saturn in Capricorn, practical issues around how we use our time and how we work with our limitations, may come to the surface. Are you accepting that your body has limitations and that you may not be able to do everything you want to do? Can you honor your body’s wisdom in this? Is your use of time in alignment with your purpose? These are good questions to contemplate this month.

Grand TrineA Grand Trine

We will be dealing with a grand trine at this full moon. That means that three sets of energies are all in harmonious relationship with each other. We have the Sun in Virgo, trine Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. This configuration asks us to examine the past and the future. Where do you need to let go? Are there unresolved issues still clogging up your emotional body? How do you envision your future? Do you have dreams, aspirations, and hopes you wish to manifest? How will you manifest them?

Meditation is a great tool to work with to resolve these questions. We can work toward an integration of the past as well as receiving guidance about our next steps.


Full Moon in the Sign of Virgo

The Meditation

Let us prepare now for meditation.

Please begin by finding a comfortable place to sit, sitting with your spine, relatively erect, but with no strain or tension. Find a gentle rhythm to your breathing, slow and steady. Allow the breath to relax the body, quiet the mind, settle the emotional body until it becomes still and quiescent. Then in your mind’s eye imagine the light of the Soul streaming forth from the area right above your head. See it pour downward, down the very center of your body touching each chakra and settling into the center of the earth. Feel the alignment of heaven and earth in your body, sense a feeling of wholeness, aliveness and peace as this light irradiates your bodies.

Now in your minds’ eye, visualize the color royal blue, this is the color of the Virgo energy. Imagine yourself bathed in that color, see the mist of blue descend into your room and penetrating your body. Breath it in and permit it to flow comfortably through your entire being. State, inwardly your intention to be open and receptive to the energies of Virgo.  Holding yourself in that place of openness, imagine now that you can see the astrological alignment that is taking place in the sky at this time of the full moon.

The sun, moon, earth and the constellation of Virgo are all in perfect alignment creating a portal that allows the divine energies of Virgo to flow through to you and from you out into the world. Open yourself to receive and distribute these powerful energies. Imagine the purifying energies of Virgo filling your being, cleansing all obstacles and hindrances. See those energies coming directly into your heart, stimulating the Soul within. Acknowledge the indwelling Christ energy that is there. We seek to become pure vehicles for the Christ consciousness. We are pregnant this month and within our womb is the seed of the Soul.

Now let yourself go deep within to the place of your greatest wisdom. Ask yourself these questions and then remain open and aligned and receptive to the guidance of your higher self.

How can I best embody and express the Christ consciousness in my everyday life, the consciousness of unconditional love?

What obstacles must be transformed in order for me to more fully express this love?

Am I willing to put the gifts that I have, out into the world, just as I am?

Sit with these questions for the next few minutes, until you hear the bell.

Now bring yourselves gently back to the room you are sitting in. Feel your feet on the ground and acknowledge your connection to the earth.

With gratitude in our hearts for this precious gift of unconditional love we close this meditation with an OM.