Magpie Messages – Finding Magic Around Us

By |2017-11-27T01:41:22+00:00September 30th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers, Shamanism|

There were many Magpie messages for me that night.  I have always loved these birds.  I admire how elegant they appear in their formal tuxedos with their long snappy tails. They seem clear cut, black and white, and then I see the flash of blue and the shimmer of iridescent green that sparks around them, reminding me that there is a hidden magic to life. I admire their intelligence, their ingenuity, and resourcefulness. These birds are bright and bold and proud of who they are.

Nature’s Soul Messengers – Sunset Reverie

By |2017-11-27T01:41:28+00:00June 24th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers, Shamanism|

At sunset, there is a clarity of the air that transports me from the ordinary into the extraordinary. Warm light spills across the landscape, a web of spun gold that captures my heart. The liminal time between day and night hangs suspended in the gauzy light. In this magical space, we can find ourselves. We can feel our essence, pure and clear, free of the distortions of our daily living.

Discovering the Magic of Raven

By |2017-11-27T01:41:30+00:00June 7th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers, Shamanism|

The first time I met Raven, up close and personal, was when I was a young woman working in the Rocky Mountains. I had often seen the birds floating on the wind, high above me or heard their calls, but I had never looked a Raven in the eye. I came upon her as I was walking in a meadow. She was striding through the tall grass, just a few feet from me. I thought she might fly away or be frightened by my appearance, but no, she stood her ground and observed me. She had such strength and presence, in truth, I was the one who felt intimidated! This bird was huge! She came up to my knee and looked at me with such intensity; it was as though she could see right through me. From that day on I felt a special connection with Raven. I read all about them and would watch for them. They are amazing creatures with a keen intelligence. They have many vocalizations and can problem solve and use tools. They build alliances with other species and will work together to achieve their goals. They are very family oriented and form strong pair bonds. Ravens are playful and love to fly as demonstrated by their aerial displays.

Summer Storm

By |2017-11-27T01:41:30+00:00May 26th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers, Shamanism|

The forest has a wild abundance of life and possibility. It holds all emotions: peace and joy and fear. The unknown and the unknowable are here. There is an intersection of the visible and invisible. I see the trees and know that I am only encountering a small part of the Being that is the tree. When you look at the forest, the forest looks back at you. The woods teem with animals, yet they are elusive and hidden. I know that bears, cougars, and wolves all live in this realm. Although we do not encounter them face to face, we can sense them on the periphery of our vision, dancing in the shadows. The soul is like that, shy and elusive, camouflaged by our roles and responsibilities. The forest beckons hidden aspects of our Being to come forward, offering us a glimpse of an unrealized truth, opening our hearts to a new understanding of ourselves.

The Gifts of Owl Spirit Medicine

By |2017-11-27T01:41:31+00:00April 19th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers|

Our culture sees Owl as a symbol of wisdom and insight. Owl carries this medicine on silent wings and guides us through the darkest night. Owl teaches us that we are not flying blind, but are guided by our intuition. Owl teaches us to trust our inner knowing and our deepest Self. Owl Spirit Medicine reminds us to go within, to trust the ancient wisdom that lives within and through each one of us.

Sandhill Cranes – Joy in the Sun

By |2017-11-27T01:41:33+00:00March 13th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers|

The cranes offer a simple wisdom for how we can live our life.  We can greet each day, grounded to earth, full of joy and gratitude, energized by sunlight and the possibility that lives at the beginning of a new day. We can raise our voice and jump for joy and awaken to the Life force that will lift us up and give wings to our Spirit.

Nature Messengers ~ A Sensory Awakening

By |2017-11-27T01:41:34+00:00February 24th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers|

Nature is the vastness that exhilarates and frightens us. We sense that there is so much more than meets the eye – a mystery so fathomless we hide from it, fearing for the safety of body and soul. We dominate and control that which we do not understand. We strip Nature of her resources, use her up even as she gives and gives, dominate her by “right,” take without thought or thanks, lost in the delusion that we are different, separate from her, better than her. It is time we wake to the Dream! We are part of Nature. Her breath is our breath; her pain is our pain. Our Spirits flow together down hidden paths, gossamer strands of energy link us one to another. The deer and the bear are my brothers. Water is my life’s blood. I am the hawk, and the hawk is me. All That Is reflects my soul back to me in a myriad of ways.

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