New Moon in Aries

The New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle and energetically supports us in birthing something new. For this reason, ideas and intentions that are set during the new moon a supported to germinate and take root so that they can bloom at the full moon in two week’s time.

Spiritual Mantram of Cancer: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

Cancer: Inviting Support

Cancer New Moon

Cancer is the sign of the Crab and is sensitive, emotional, and nurturing. It is ruled by the Moon, and as such is changeable and goes through light and dark phases. Using the energy of this New Moon we call in the power to take responsibility for our own feelings and to help others feel more comfortable with their own emotional states.

With Cancer, we have an opportunity to tune into the archetypal Feminine, finding ways to balance periods of activity with time for deep reflection and inner work.

Cancer is also associated with the imagination and the need to break out of shells in order to grow. Some crabs do this several times in the course of one life cycle. At certain points, they begin to outgrow their shells and start growing a new shell underneath the old one. When the new one cracks through the surface, old outer covering is shed. For a while, the crab will be more vulnerable to attack, as the new shell is not as hard as the old one yet.

With the New Moon in Cancer, we are encouraged to dip into the waters of our own vulnerability and to imagine the ways we can share our emotions with others. In order to do this, we need to acknowledge the people, places, and things that make us feel safe enough to show up. Learning to be in alignment with Cancer is learning how to be safe while simultaneously remaining sensitive and alive to new feelings and experiences of growth.

So what is it that makes you feel emotionally secure and loved? With Cancer, we have to deal with experiences from the past that have created deeper issues and problems in our current lives. This is a good time to own up to what needs to be resolved, healed or released. Are there places you have holding on to your emotions? Where would you like to cultivate more nurturing toward yourself and others?

-Rhea Wolf from The Light that Changes

For more about the moon in astrology, explore Rhea Wolf’s book, The Light that Changes; The Moon in Astrology, Stories and Time

Set A Cancer New Moon Intention

Set your intention at the Cancer New Moon around topics that align with the energy of Cancer. Here are some suggestions.

Nurture Yourself

Cancer energy feeds, nurtures, and cares for others. Sometimes in the daily demands of our lives, we can expend tremendous energy on caring for others. Amid all that busyness, we and can forget to care for ourselves. Turn that Cancer energy on to yourself. Nourishing yourself with healthy, nutrient dense foods, spend time with family and friends who bring out your best self, or find rest and grounding at home. However you feel cared for, focus it toward you this new moon cycle.

Honor the Power of Vulnerability

The places where we are most vulnerable are often the places where we grow the most. Where are you most armored? This is very likely the place where you are most vulnerable. Share your vulnerability with someone in whom you trust and can confide. Imagine dropping your armor. Explore what it would feel like to know that you can grow and be transformed through this place of fragility.

Honor Boundaries

The energy of Cancer can provide us with significant intuitive hits and insight into others and what is best for them. Open to this energy and honor the truth of what you ‘know.’ But, not honoring others’ boundaries can prevent a deep experience of learning for friends and loved ones who are trying to work things out. How can you support others and nurture them without invading their boundaries or robbing them of the power of their own experiences, even if you want to protect them? Use the Cancer Full Moon Energy to understand limits better while supporting those you care about.

Spiritual Theme: Building the Foundations of Life through the Warmth of Nurturing Love