New Moon in Aries

The New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle and energetically supports us in birthing something new. For this reason, ideas and intentions that are set during the new moon a supported to germinate and take root so that they can bloom at the full moon in two week’s time.

Sacred Mantram of Virgo: “I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I matter am.”

Virgo: Simplify Your Life

Virgo New MoonVirgo is the sign of the Virgin and symbolizes sovereignty. To be sovereign means that one is accorded one’s rightful status, independence, or prerogative. Through Virgo we are able to discover our birthright, fully embodying the person we came here to be.

Virgo helps us to get clear about what we really need and what’s outlive its purpose. With its discerning, judging mind, Virgo cuts away the threads of distraction to make order out of chaos.

Use this new Moon to call in the energy of simplicity, to create living conditions and workspaces that are in touch with your personal preferences and inner needs. Virgo is the sign of the Servant and Priestess, which means using our talents and skills to serve others in meaningful ways.

The New Moon in Virgo can help us set intentions in the areas of health and nutrition. Perhaps we are not recognizing what our bodies need to stay fit and can use this time to ask for support from healthcare providers. Virgo Moons like helping us create rituals that bring the sacred into the every day. How one bathes, cooks, eats, and other daily necessities can be a source of inspiration and connection if they are imbued with meaning.

Take some time to think about your own skills and abilities. Paring down your focus to just one or two can help you see with greater clarity the tools you are here to utilize in service to others.

As the sky grows dark with the New Moon energy, ask yourself if there are areas of your life that feel too cluttered or are lacking in focus. Does your inner perfectionist stop you from doing things that you love? How do you serve others?

-Rhea Wolf from The Light that Changes

For more about the moon in astrology, explore Rhea Wolf’s book, The Light that Changes; The Moon in Astrology, Stories and Time

Set A Virgo New Moon Intention

Set your intention at the Virgo New Moon around topics that align with the energy of Virgo. Here are some suggestions.

Let Go of Perfection

The energy of Virgo strives for perfection. But, requiring constant perfection can be an obstacle for what is enough. Demanding perfection can be exhausting for you and draining for those around you. It creates worry, anxiety, and a tendency to judge or criticize others. Always strive for your best, but don’t get caught in an endless spiral for perfection. In the words of Voltaire, hold that “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”

Organize and De-clutter

The Virgo New Moon is an excellent time to take stock of our environment. Assess the material world around and identify what no longer serves you. Holding on to items that are no longer used, useful, or helpful creates a restrictive and cluttered environment. Reorganize your cupboards and closets, clear off your desk, and eliminate items you don’t need. Donating clothing, books, personal, and household items that are no longer used can make life better for others who can use them!

Take Care of Your Physical Health

The Full Moon in Virgo is a good time to take stock of your health. Get a physical, make sure that you have your routine screening for age-related illness and disease. Find out what your body needs to maintain optimum health and make adjustments to nurture and care for your physical form.

Spiritual ThemeThe Gestation of the Christ Principle Within the Womb of Substance