Pisces Full Moon

If we want to make the most of the energies of this full moon we will need to be courageous, disciplined, and discerning about how we express our emotions. One of the challenges has to do with the difficulty of blending the rational and logical mind of Virgo with the intuitive, mystical leanings of Pisces. How do you make decisions? This will be muddy waters for us this month. We may feel confusion and an inability to articulate our feelings or think clearly.

With many planets in Pisces it will be easy to feel overwhelmed and out of our depth. Our strength will come with our willingness to be especially aware of our emotional reactions and take time to channel them in a constructive way. Developing a “witness conDead Sunflowersciousness” is a good practice for creating some distance from our reactiveness.

The energy of Pluto is also active whenever we are in a Pisces month.  As the soul centered ruler of Pisces it brings in the quality of the destroyer.  Pluto is the Lord of Death and it destroys everything in the way of the Soul’s free expression. It destroys all obstacles, which is a good thing, right? It liberates the Soul from the limitations of the personality. As the Lord of Death we are not just talking about physical death, but also the death of old ideas, or old ways of responding.

Pisces is the last sign in the yearly cycle before we begin again with Aries, so there is an ending here that we must acknowledge. We are releasing, letting die, everything that binds, that has outlived its usefulness. It is time to let go, and then let go some more. It’s a good time to go within and tap into that intuitive energy of Pisces to see if you can notice any patterns, relationships, outmoded ideas that are ready to be cleared. What issues have arisen for you this past year? What are the lessons that you learned?

Pisces is a sign of culmination and synthesis. We are asked to integrate what we have learned, to embody those new insights and leave behind what we do not wish to carry with us into the new beginning that Aries offers us.

Full Moon in Pisces

Preparing for Renewal

Pisces Full Moon Meditation

Listen to the Meditation

Let us prepare for our meditation.

Seating ourselves comfortably, away from distractions, the spine relatively erect, let us begin by breathing naturally. Let the inhale and the exhale create a gentle rhythm to your breathing and notice as you do this that the body begins to let go and relax. Now, silently breath an OM into your physical body, allowing it to go even deeper into relaxation.

Then breathe a silent OM into your emotional body and feel the steadiness that occurs as the emotional body aligns with that OM. Finally breathe a silent OM into the mental body, allowing the mind to become quiescent and still. Feel the alignment that takes place when the body, the mind, and the emotions are all filled with the peace of the sacred OM.

Now I would like to take you on an imaginary journey. Using your creative imagination take yourself to a beautiful, sacred place in nature. It can be a place with which you are already familiar or you can just make it up. Either way is equally powerful.  (pause) Take a moment to feel yourself fully there, in this sacred spot. (pause) Look around and notice what you see. (pause) Feel a gentle breeze touch your face and breathe in the scent of the place. The temperature here is just right, not too hot or cold. Can you hear any sounds? (birds chirping, the wind?) Know that this sacred space is just for you. Feel the energy of peace, safety, and love that is here for you. (pause) Now look around until you find a spot where you can lie down on the earth. As you lie there breathe a silent note of gratitude to the earth energy of Virgo and to Mother Earth. This energy is warm and welcoming and comfortable. Feel your body sink into this welcoming energy.

Feel the Mother holding you, supporting you, nurturing you. (pause) Know that you are a part of her just as she is a part of you. Be open and receptive to her unconditional love. Now look around and notice that it has gotten dark. Even though the light of the sun is no longer available, somehow you are still comfortably warm. Now turn your gaze upward to the sky and with your mystical Pisces energy open yourself to the luminous, unseen worlds. Let the concrete mind go. The mind that wants to name everything it sees, or questions or tries to understand. Just be open to the mystery of the clear luminous night. (pause) In your imagination, look carefully at the celestial beauty of this sky and see if you notice a twinkling light, a star, or a planet that catches your eye.

Look carefully, take your time, just be willing to see. (long pause) Now settle deeply into yourself and ask this sacred being to help you see what is ending for you this month? What is culminating? Where do I need to reach closure, or let go? Even if you haven’t connected to a star or planet you can ask this question of your higher self. What needs to be released? (long pause) Remember that your answer may come as words, sensations, a feeling or an image. It may come now or later. Your job is simply to be open and receptive. While we are in this place of alignment and connection let us also acknowledge that a new cycle is beginning. What is wanting to be acted upon in your life? What visions, ideas, that have been hibernating all winter are ready to be manifested, to be given form? Ask for clarity. (long pause)

When you feel complete with this process give thanks to the sky, to your higher self, to any beings that spoke to you. (pause) Now as your final gesture make a commitment to bring this message into your world, through a decision, an action or a changed perception. Or it may be an inspiration that you share with others.  In any case, know that this connection to the earth, to the sky, to all the beings that inhabit these realms, is always available to you when you go within and become still. Take a moment now to gently open your eyes. Bring yourself back to your room. Wiggle your feet and arms until you feel yourself completely back in your body. (pause) I’d like to close with this quote from Stephanie Austin.

“When we were children we knew how to listen to the stars, how to flow through the day like a mermaid and how to get help from the fairies when we needed it the most. This is the month to remember all that.”