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Full Moon in Sagittarius 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius - Gemini

December 11, at 9:14pm (PST)

This month we celebrate the sun in the sign of Sagittarius and the moon in its opposite sign, Gemini.

Whenever the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius, I take a deep breath. Ahhhh,  it feels liberating and free.  After the dark underworld of Scorpio, we arise into a new dawn with vision and hope. We have cleared away whatever the darkness revealed, and we stand poised and ready to embody a higher purpose. Sagittarius offers us the opportunity to reclaim the larger perspective, the higher aspiration. We aim our arrows straight and true toward whatever vision we can imagine. The glyph for Sagittarius is the archer that aims his arrow high toward his goal. Once the goal is reached, he resolutely moves toward achieving the next goal. The mantram for the Sagittarius personality is, “I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.” He is in a relentless pursuit for the truth.

Some words that describe facets of the Sagittarius personality are: one pointedness, explorer, seeker of the truth, moralist, free spirit, the guide, the know it all, the philosopher.

The opposite sign to Sagittarius is Gemini, a much different energy. Rather than the one-pointed focus of Sagittarius, Gemini can be all over the place. Here and there and everywhere.  He seeks the truth as well, but with his agile mind he tends to jump from one thing to another, gathering information and disseminating it at every opportunity. Sagittarius needs the Gemini energy to keep him from becoming rigid in his outlook and Gemini needs Sagittarius to help him focus on one thing.  They make good partners if they can work together. This month you might watch to see where you are dissipating your energy and be committed to focusing on what is most important to you. We are in the holiday season now and being mindful of how you want to use your energy seems like an important intention.

One interesting aspect we will deal with this month is the t-square between the Sun, Moon and Neptune. Squares often indicate some kind of internal struggle. Neptune can add confusion to any activity so we may want to be more mindful of discerning what is true and what represents our highest interests. Our wires could get easily crossed with so many projects in the mix and all the activity going on. The struggle may be between our habitual patterns and what is most important to us in this moment. Neptune also represents spirituality so whatever spiritual practices you use, like mediation, may prove helpful in getting clarity.

Another placement that is important in this full moon chart is Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius. Mercury is one of the rulers of Gemini and represents how the mind functions. It is the messenger of the gods, so communication becomes important. Are we communicating our highest ideals, our widest vision, our largest perspective or is our mind so scattered that we cannot express ourselves coherently? We will need to be careful to share information that is truthful and accurate.

The Meditation

Let us prepare ourselves for meditation

To begin our meditation please find yourself in a comfortable position, with the spine relatively erect, but with no undue strain or tension. Establish a quiet rhythm to your breathing and feel the body begin to relax and let go. Breathe a silent OM into the physical body, releasing all tension and strain. Breathe a silent OM into the mental body, allowing the mind to become still. And finally breathe a silent OM into the emotional body, neutralizing any disruptive, conflicted energies.

Take a moment to feel the stillness that is created by this process. Begin to imagine the Light of the Soul shining as a ball of Light above your head. See that light descend into your body. See it connect to each chakra as it moves downward into the earth. In the center of the earth, the energy of the heavens align with the energies of the earth. Feel this alignment within your body, heaven and earth aligned, within you.

Now let us reach even higher. Let us send our energy up into the home of the Great Ones, the Masters. Ask to be connected to the Spiritual realms where they reside. Ask to be connected to Them. We have been told that the head of this hierarchy of Masters, called the Christ, has promised that whatsoever we ask in His name shall be accomplished, so let us ask for the Forces of Light to descend on our planet.

See, in your mind’s eye, this energy descend and flood our planet with Light. Imagine this energy magnetizing the will to good within the hearts of people everywhere. Let us ask the Great Ones to impress upon the leaders in our country those great ideals and ideas that are based on a world view of inclusivity and cooperation. Let the vision of brotherhood and sisterhood be realized.

Let us hold a vision of a world at peace, of a world where resources are shared and where we recognize the divinity within everyone. Let us call forth the Forces of Light to create a great unifying, protective and defending wall of Light around our planet, magnifying the good and dispelling all negativity and evil from within and without.

Finally, let us visualize the Christ, the head of the Hierarchy of Masters, in the center of our planet, radiating forth love, compassion and blessing on all the world. Let us work in this way, aligning ourselves with the forces supporting the evolution of humanity. Let us work without fear. Let us remember that this is why we chose to incarnate at this time, to be beacons of light to our world as it goes through this transition into a new age.

Let us close with this world prayer that was created in the mid 1930’s and given to us by the Masters.

Great Invocation I

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind.

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May people of good will everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.

May forgiveness on the part of every human be the keynote at this time.

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones,

So let it be and help us to do our part.

And so it is. Om  Om  Om

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Living With Intention
Living With Intention
Full Moon Ceremony
Full Moon Magic Book and Card Set
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