I find myself struggling to find a path to love, optimism, and light after the results of a dark, divisive, and painful US election process. Post-election social and news media sources continue to feed messages of separation, fear, and disharmony. We are being sold an illusion of a dissolving political system. Yes, we are divided and struggling with significant differences. But, there is a deeper reality, one that will unite us and begin to heal the wounds on both sides. This reality is one where we are all a part of a glorious whole. We have just lost our sense of interconnectedness. Beyond the political rhetoric lies a loving place of heart and compassion, one of unity. It is only from that place that we can begin to bridge the divide and find a way to the bright future that awaits us.

The underlying cause of our deep divide is the foundational truth that we are all afraid. We must remember that the frightened right is not our enemy and they are as afraid as we are. We are all struggling to find steady footing in a dramatically changing social, economic, and environmental landscape as we emerge into a new consciousness. When we recognize that fear (the opposite of love) is lightthe true energy of the divide, we can begin to bridge our differences with energy of loving connection (opposite of fear).

Finding a Way Forward

We must now each ask ourselves: Amidst all of this turmoil and fear for the future, what is my individual part to play? How can we individually influence events that appear to be moving so far from the reality of right relations, equity, and compassion that we imagine?

What we refuse to give energy and attention to (the Law of Repulse) is as important as what we attend to (the Law of Attraction). For those who have more socially progressive leanings, we have become attached to the movement forward and it is that attachment that is now causing us such pain. Progress never happens in a steady line and it’s critical at this time to remind ourselves of this reality.

Building Unity Consciousness

So what do we do now? It is time to step out of the child mind. Our elected representatives and leaders cannot resolve our conflicts, protect us, or create a world we want to live in. There is a huge crack in that illusion, but the crack creates a place where the light is shining through. We must become Unity Activists. And, this means individually and collectively strengthening our individual notes of loving, connection, and harmony.

joining hands

Being a Unity Activist requires that we intentionally still the voices of separation. So, take a break from the news and social media feeds, don’t take sides. Know where you are attached and consciously stand in the middle of the divide. Hold out a hand to either side, and be a point of light. Eliminate your attachment to it being done ‘this way’ or to being right. If you find that you get emotionally energized, distracted, or pulled toward either side of the divide – return to the still center and give your attention to unity.

We can do this in small ways by opening ourselves to someone whose view is from the other side. When we recognize and open ourselves to the pain, struggles, and fears of others, we move beyond the illusion of our separateness. Intentionally connecting with them and sharing fears can begin to bridge the divide – one small connecting action at a time. Some other things we can do:

  • Donate to a cause supporting tolerance or unity
  • Participate in peaceful protest
  • Stand for unity in speech and action