The Full Moon in Cancer 2018 ~ Responsibility and Choices

By |2019-11-11T19:02:44+00:00June 26th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

The planet Saturn is next to the moon this month during the Cancer full moon strengthening its impact. Saturn and Capricorn ask us to take responsibility for our choices and our lives. Because we are dealing with a Cancer sun we can be emotionally vulnerable. As a water sign Cancer has a sensitive emotional nature and this full moon is asking her to take responsibility for her emotions. She needs to step away from any reactivity and direct her energy inward where she can reflect and get some distance from the drama that may be playing out in her life. She can ground herself in the earth energy of Capricorn. Once centered within herself she will feel safer to open her heart and be vulnerable with others.

Cancer Full Moon 2017

By |2019-05-10T00:53:59+00:00July 7th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

Full moons always heighten our awareness. Whatever is not in balance and integrity is challenged to evolve or dissolve. With the Sun in Cancer, representing the Mother principle, and the moon in Capricorn, representing the Father, we are asked to bring into balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. We must learn to integrate assertiveness with cooperation, and bring our head and heart into alignment.

Mindful Heart Astrology: The Fourth House

By |2018-06-12T19:12:54+00:00July 5th, 2017|Astrology|

Home and Family, along with psychological roots and ancestry, are the areas of life represented in the Fourth House. Naturally ruled by the sign of Cancer and the Moon, matters of inner security, comfort, nurturing and mother is found here. This is a “water house” and so one can naturally assume there is a great deal of emotion reflected with many of the undercurrents present in family, representative of our ancestral roots and flavoring our individual experiences. The cusp of the Fourth House is at the base of the chart, where our past and our roots are anchored. It is from this location that everything in one’s life tends to flow, or at least begin.

Mindful Heart Astrology: Cancer

By |2017-11-27T01:41:42+00:00July 1st, 2016|Astrology|

Cancer The Crab June 21 - July 22 Natural House – 4th Element ~ Water Modality ~ Cardinal Key Phrase ~ I Feel Ruling Planet Moon Comfort  ~  Family  ~  Home   ~  Intuitive  ~  Maternal  ~ [...]

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