Cancer The Crab

June 21 – July 22

Natural House – 4th

Element ~ Water

Modality ~ Cardinal

Key Phrase ~ I Feel

Ruling Planet


Comfort  ~  Family  ~  Home   ~  Intuitive  ~  Maternal  ~  Moody  ~  Needy  ~  Nurturing  ~   Receptive  ~  Retentive  ~  Security  ~  Sensitive 

Cancer the Crab, the fourth sign of the zodiac takes us into Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The seeds for crops, ideas, and projects have been planted during the Spring and we enter into the next phase of our zodiac cycle concerned with how to nurture those seeds through to fruition. We may even be concerned about keeping safe those things which are most important to us, or our family.

When we think of the crab in nature, what often springs to mind is its hard shell and the fact that it carries around it’s home. Also consider the sea, and the ebb and flow of tides, often revealing the crab who unexpectedly finds himself uncomfortably out in the open during low tide. In such circumstances he will scramble to find some type of shelter, perhaps in nearby rocks or the sand, to reinforce the protection he naturally possesses with his exoskeletal structure.

Themes of safety and security, home and family, and the need to nurture that which may require some help or maternal care in order to survive, or thrive are very common with this sign.  In the human experience, Cancerians tend to be sensitive and often on guard to protect that which is important to them, including creative projects, or even their emotional well-being.

Cancer Moon

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the characterization of the sign is very much flavoured by feelings and emotions as indicated by its key phrase, “I feel”. In Astrology, the Moon often represents mother, sentiment, belongingness, sensitivity, and soul.  Individuals with either Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in the sign of Cancer tend to be sensitive and caring. The expression of that sensitivity however, can vary depending on other aspects present in the natal chart, including the house with the sign of Cancer on its cusp.

You may recall the 1st House is representative of our own self, or self-image, and how one comes forth in the world. If the sign of Cancer appears on the Ascendant, that “me energy” can manifest with a strong sense of caring and also a real need for self-preservation. The emotions or feelings of the individual will play a strong role in how they respond to their environment, and those effects can be very visible. Some may come across as very sympathetic, understanding, and nurturing with a generally caring approach to the world. Others may be overly sensitive and perhaps take things too personally. In either case, its important to strike a balance or there is the risk that one can be either too selfless, or too defensive.  A degree of shyness is also common with this sign.  Much like the crab cautiously peeking out of its shell to check what is present in the environment, the individual will want to be sure its “safe” before they step out into the world.

The natural House for Cancer is the 4th, not surprisingly, this is the house associated with family, early psychological development, foundations, home, and one’s ancestry or roots.  So, how does this play out?  Let’s use the example of the Sun in the 4th House. With this placement, one generally tends to be very focused on everything to do with home and family life. There are likely strong roots based in the home and perhaps a strong need for security and “self-protection”. Ensuring there is always enough to feed and nourish both one’s self and the family can give rise to a fear that there is an ever-present risk of being without. As well, one may have a great drive towards personal expression in the home, wanting to make it comfortable.  As a result, the individual may be very domestic and perhaps enjoy “do-it-yourself” projects.

So…where does Cancer appear in your chart? Which House does it rule, and do you have any planets in the sign? Which sign is on the cusp of your 4th House and what do you notice about your own relationship to home and family, and how connected you are to your ancestry or roots?  If you have a 2nd House cusp with Cancer, you may be concerned about your own personal nourishment and well-being, or be driven to take special care of family and close friends. The 2nd House is about values, resources, and self-worth. Personally speaking, this is where Cancer appears in my chart, so its not surprising that over the years I have spent a great deal of energy ensuring that my family has been well provided for. Their happiness and well-being were my motivation for many things I’ve chosen to do in life. I’ve valued that above almost anything else.

Where Cancer appears in our natal chart, there are clues about what makes us feel safe, how we view the concept of home and family, and where our emotions take us. The key is understanding what that means to us personally and then determining how effectively we are using our Cancerian energies.  What have you noticed about your own relationship with these themes?


~ Jayne Logan