
The science of Rayology can help us practically understand ourselves. It can improve our lives at home, in class, at work, in business, in any relationship.

Rayology as an expression of light

Seven RaysThere are seven streams of energy  or energetic rays that underlie all of manifested universe. Everything has vibration, which expresses the energy of one of the rays.

Pure light, when passed through a prism, emerges as the visible light spectrum – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These seven colors (Seven Rays) are, from a spiritual perspective, the emanation of divinity (God, Brahma, Allah, however named). This presents to us as a ‘threeness’ in Spirit – Consciousness – Form.

Seven has a significant representation in human understanding. It is a primary number. There are seven days in a week, seven notes in the musical scale (‘Do’ repeats twice). The spiritual significance of seven is evidenced in the seven sacraments of Christianity, ancient references of the Seven Spirits Before the Throne, the seven archangels, seven virtues and seven sins, and seven chakras in our physical energy system.

The Seven Rays express themselves as seven qualities. Each ray has its distinct note-sound, color, and vibration.

The Seven Rays are experienced through color and sound. The seven colors and sounds of the rays provide a more intuitive approach to understanding. For instance, Ray 7 corresponds to the note of G and the color violet, depending upon which octaves are being used. Sound and color are also measurable in terms of their vibratory capacity, and this is well documented.

A ray is but a name for a particular force or energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not upon the form aspect which it creates. This is a true definition of a ray.  EPI p316

The quality or energy of a ray can be experienced by walking into a red room, feeling its energy and then walking into a blue room and feeling its energy. There is a qualitative difference. This difference is the quality of a ray.

We are each distinct, unique, and individual.

As we begin to observe the world as an expression of the Seven Rays, we see and value the differences that others bring into the world as they express their ray energies.

We are understood and identified by particular qualities, inherent traits and tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. Appreciating the Ray expression of ourselves and being able to understand this in others is empowering.

What’s Your Ray Type?

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Introduction to Rayology

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