This month we meet the energy of Leo whose ruling planet is the Sun, our life force.  Because there is more life force energy available to us right now we are invited to move outward,  to express, to illumine.  These are all Leo qualities.  Leo is a great teaching sign so we take our creative gifts and bring them out into the world.  We need to invoke Aquarius to help us here.  Aquarius is the sign opposite Leo at the time of the full moon.  Aquarius is all about distribution, integration and group consciousness as opposed to the Leo personality who is self- conscious, (focused only on himself).  Leo must open to the larger world and move from independence to interdependence.  There is interesting symbology here.  Leo rules the heart, our creative potential, our love energy.  Aquarius rules the circulatory system, a system that distributes life force energy through the blood.  So Leo must learn to distribute and integrate into society through the networking sign of Aquarius, the water bearer.  When Leo and Aquarius are balanced we have someone who uses their power, their authority, their will, in service to the world.

Full Moon

A Guided Meditation for Leo

Leo Full Moon Meditation

Let’s begin by finding a comfortable place to sit.  Perhaps feet on the floor, back straight, but with no strain, feeling gentle and relaxed.  Taking a few deep breaths we begin to notice the softness that flows into the body, this gentle letting go energy, of releasing all that constricts.

Now begin to put your attention on the breath, breathing rhythmically, easily letting all tension float away on each exhale. Feel the body sink into relaxation, the mind begin to quiet, and the emotional body become still.

Now, listen, as I repeat a mantram for Leo that speaks to who we are, in our essence.
More radiant than the sun
Purer than the snow
Subtler than the ethers
Is the self,
The Sprit within me.
I am that self
That self am I.

Put your awareness now on your heart center.  Remember Leo rules the heart.  Imagine yourself sitting on a peaceful beach – you can hear the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore – you can smell the salt air. Looking around you see it is just about sunrise. Feel the warmth of the breeze on your face – the temperature is just right. Now watch as the sun rises. Imagine it fully above the horizon now, brilliant in its orange/gold flaming light. Breathe that sun right into your heart and feel its warmth as it irradiates your entire body, filling each cell with light. Your heart beats and with every pulsation the energy of love, of light is sent to every part of your body. Feel this energy fill you with vitality, energy, vibrancy and see yourself as a radiant being of light.

More radiant than the sun – that is you.  Feel it in your heart. I am a radiant being, full of light, that is who I am.  At my very core I am light and love and intelligence. This is my true deep self.

Purer than the snow, I am a being of essential purity. No matter what I’ve done, or what’s been done to me, in my essence I am pure. I am this love, I am this Sun, the Spirit within, is me.

Now imagine this Sun at the center of your chest. Wherever you go, imagine it shining 360 degrees from that center. Include all those that you see and interact with in that light. Now imagine that the light that is within you is the same light that is within them.

Imagine living your life this way – seeing the light in every person you meet and radiating outward your own inner sun.  This is the gift of Leo and Aquarius.

Let us sit in this silence for a few moments before we come back.

Now bring yourself gently back into the room where you are sitting. Feel yourself touching the chair or floor or whatever is under you. Wiggle your fingers and toes and inwardly send your energy down into the center of the earth. When you feel fully in your body, open your eyes.