The Virgo Full Moon presents us with the Virgo/Pisces polarity. Since this full moon also joins a lunar eclipse we are dealing with many different energies.

The lunar eclipse energies ask us to consider taking a leap of faith on our soul’s journey. A shift in consciousness may be called for as our emotional bodies are activated. Old patterns may rise to the surface to be healed. Awareness, mindfulness and compassion are the healing agents.

These are the main themes of Virgo and Pisces:

Pragmatism vs. mysticism. Virgo as an earth sign is very pragmatic, wants everything to be in order, to be perfect, to pay attention to the details. Pisces lives in the emotional realm of water and says, “embrace the mystery, live in the unknown, be fluid, reach up to the realms of unity and oneness”.  When we join these two energies we become the practical mystic, joining heaven and earth.

Healing through purification vs. dissolving of all obstacles to oneness. Virgo is the symbol of the Mother, of the earth, of matter. She gives birth to the Christ, the consciousness of unconditional love. To have a healthy container in which to gestate this new life she must purify her body, the substance of her physical being. So she pays very close attention to her physical health and eliminates any substance that might prove toxic to her system. Pisces heals through letting the cleansing streams of water dissolve and wash away any hindrances. She heals the wounds of separation so that she may better embody her connectedness to all that is.

Reason vs. faith. Virgo thinks logically. She wants A + B to equal C. She wants her lists, her organizer, her day planned out in detail. She believes in what she can see and touch. Pisces says, “Have a little faith.  Let things unfold, put your trust in the unseen worlds.”

Full Moon in Virgo

The Energetic Offering

Virgo works. Harder than it should. It is driven to perfect the skills it acquires so that it may be of service to the whole. Pisces, the sign opposite Virgo, is the whole.

Chani Nicholas

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the full moon, can deepen your transformation.

How can I bring the vision that Pisces creates into manifestation in the physical world?

How can I blend my head (logic, rational) with my heart (faith, surrender)?

Am I willing to surrender to the will of my Soul and trust it will lead me to where I need to be?

Virgo Full Moon Meditation

Prepare for meditation by finding a comfortable place to sit.

Sitting with your spine, relatively erect, but with no strain or tension. Find a gently rhythm to your breathing – slow and steady. Allow the breath to relax the body and quiet the mind. Settle the emotional body until it becomes still and quiet. Then in your mind’s eye imagine the light of the Soul streaming forth from the area right above your head. See it pour downward, down into the very center of your body, touching each chakra and settling  into the center of the earth. Feel the alignment of heaven and earth in your body and sense a feeling of wholeness, aliveness and peace as this light irradiates your bodies.

Begin to visualize the color royal blue – the color of the Virgo energy. Imagine yourself bathed in that color.  See the mist of blue descend into your room and penetrating your body. Breath it in and permit it to flow comfortably through your entire being. State, inwardly your intention to be open and receptive to the energies of Virgo and hold yourself in that place of openness. Imagine that you can see the astrological alignment that is taking place in the sky at this time of the full moon. The sun, moon, earth and the constellation of Virgo are all in perfect alignment creating a portal that allows the divine energies of Virgo to flow through to you and from you out into the world. Open yourself to receive and distribute these powerful energies. Imagine the purifying energies of Virgo filling your being and as it does so it cleanses all obstacles and hindrances. We seek to become pure vehicles for the Christ consciousness. We are pregnant this month and within our womb is the seed of the Soul.

From this place of purity let us imagine the world we wish to manifest. See in your mind’s eye a world free of struggle, free of war and poverty. See humanity acknowledging the Divinity within each other. See right human relationships played out all over our globe. See the distribution of resources spread to every corner of the world. See a world of beauty, harmony and peace. Hold that vision vividly in your imagination. Imbue that vision with the love and compassion that a world like that would demonstrate.

Now let us use our creative imaginations again to visualize all of us – all of the light workers in the world joining hands to encircle our planet. Imagine that we link, Soul to soul, with each person in the circle until we see a radiant, powerful circle of light surrounding the earth. Imagine that light irradiating the entire planet, lighting up the earth.  See the earth as a beacon of light in the cosmos manifesting its spiritual destiny. Let us hold this vision in our awareness for the next few minutes imbuing it with all of our focus and attention.

Ring the bell.  Now bring yourself back to your room and take a few deep breaths. Wiggle your hands and feet and imagine that roots are growing out of the bottom of your feet into the center of the earth, bringing you fully back into your body.  Let us give thanks for the opportunity to assist in the healing of our earth.  Blessed be.