This full moon comes at a critical time in our country. As a nation we have a choice to make come November and Libra is the sign most connected to choosing. What do we choose, in Libra? At the highest level we can choose harmony, equilibrium, balance and right relationship with all life. These are energies that we can invoke, first for ourselves since we help no one if we are out of balance. Then we can radiate this energy of equality, justice, and harmony out into our environment. This is the Soul centered mission of Libra. Aries is the sign opposite Libra in the sky at the time of the full moon and here we see a powerful opposition. Aries, on the level of the personality, cares only about himself. Staunchly independent and dynamic this native never considers the impact he may have on another. The old adage goes, “Aries shoots first and asks questions later.” It’s hard for the Aries personality to include another in his world. The Libran personality on the other hand will often sacrifice anything to create harmony, peace and equilibrium in her world. She can be inclusive to the detriment of her own individuality. We see these polarities so clearly in our world today. Factions who are powerful and dynamic acting solely from their own self-interests and then the underlying yearning from the opposite polarity to join, to unite, to create a more just society. How do we reconcile these energies? Venus is the exoteric ruler of Libra and she always brings the mediating principle of Love. Love forever unites. If the highest in Libra can meet the highest in Aries with Love acting as mediator, we can create relationships that are cooperatively independent, and where what is good for all is the underlying motivation. Let us turn our attention this month to our responsibility in attending to our own imbalances. Where are we still stuck in co-dependent behavior? Where do we still misuse our power and authority by not engaging our heart. Are we still in relationships where we are not able or willing to be our true authentic selves? As we clean up our own house we will be much more capable of expressing the higher qualities of these two signs, which in turn will allow us to be of greater service to humanity.

The guided meditation for this month is taken from an article written by David Spangler, a spiritual teacher and director of the Lorian Association in Washington State.  (  This visualization has a lot of parts to it so I invite you to just relax and lean into it, not worrying whether you are doing it all right. Whatever attention and focus you can give will add to its power.

The process that David suggests is called energy activism. It’s a way we can take action in a balanced, loving way. The purpose of energy activism is to change the subtle energy of the environment. The collective unconscious affects everyone and this method is an attempt to shift the energy. The key, as David explains is to have no fear and to stand in our sovereignty, stand in our sacredness. It is called alliance work because we will be connecting to the Soul, or angel of the US. It is an alliance of cooperation and from this place of connection we will begin the work of shifting the energetic environment. So let us begin.

Full Moon in Libra

The Energetic Offering

Connecting to the collective energy of the United States for healing and wholeness.

Libra Full Moon Meditation

Listen to the Meditation

Find a comfortable place to sit where you will be uninterrupted. Feel yourself solid, on your chair or on the floor, connected to the earth where your feet or your body touches the floor.  Breathe in that earth energy, strong, centered, and grounded. The Mother holds you in her loving arms. Take a moment to breathe that in.

Begin to raise your awareness to the point above your head. This is where the energy of the soul resides. Allow the light and love of the Soul to pour through your entire body. Now bring the energy of the earth and the energy of the Soul to the heart and let them meet there, within you. Feel the alignment take place.

Stand firmly in this alignment, in your own sacredness, your own sovereignty. Feel yourself grounded in your own strength, your own presence, grounded in Love. Heighten your own energy now and bring yourself into a place of spiritual power. Repeat this prayer silently, “Let the unique light that radiates from my life, come forward and surround me.” Now we are going to invoke the Soul or Angel of the United States to be our ally in this meditation. This is a Being who is attuned to the land, the people, the spirit and destiny of this country.  Its purpose is to protect this country, to foster its spiritual and creative development, and to enable it to fulfill its service to the planet and to all of humanity. How you envision this angel is up to you. It can look like whatever you wish, but the felt sense of it should include a sense of the land, a sense of the promise and power of America as embodied in its Declaration of Independence and its Constitution and a sense of the creativity of all its people, a mosaic of every race, religion and ethnicity on earth. The angel should hold for you the felt sense of all that is good and powerful about America and its Spirit in the world. Now, with a felt sense of yourself as a spiritual being and a felt sense of the Soul of America as your ally, imagine you and this ally coming together , face to face, to form a sphere that surrounds and embraces you both. This is your Alliance space. Now, imagine a hemisphere rising up behind you, empowered and filled with the spiritual qualities you bring to this alliance, the qualities of strength, presence, love and a spirit of partnership. Then, imagine a hemisphere rising up behind your ally, the Soul or Angel of humanity, empowered and filled with the spiritual qualities It brings to this alliance, qualities of attunement to the land, people and destiny of this nation. Feel these two hemispheres uniting, forming a globe that encompasses you both. The Spirit of this sphere that embraces you both is a felt sense of connection, cooperation, collaboration and co-creativity. It is filled with an energy of mutual well-being and wholeness, a sense of partnership.

Let the following words be our intention for this energy. May this sphere of energy, intent, and light protect the U.S., its people, its constitution and its collaborative partnerships with the world, from intentional or unintentional damage or obstruction. May this energy enhance the power of the U.S. to secure life, liberty and happiness for all beings. May it foster those ideas and actions that serve the destiny of this nation as held within its Soul and nourish the creativity and well- being of its people. May it be a source of support, energy, blessing and inspiration for all beings working for the highest good of the United States of America. Now breathe in this intention and let the Spirit of the intent of these words be a felt sense within you and within this sphere as you hold it in your consciousness in partnership with your ally.

As a final step, feel and see this sphere of the alliance space surround the White House, aligning the energies within this building to the felt sense of your alliance’s intent.

Feel and see this sphere surrounding Congress, aligning the energies within this building to the intention of your alliance.

Feel and see this sphere surrounding Washington D.C. as a whole, aligning the energies within this place to the felt sense of your alliance’s intent.

Feel and see this sphere surrounding our country as we prepare for this election. May the energies of our country, as a whole, be aligned with the intent of our alliance.

In closing, give thanks to your ally, the Soul or Angel of America and release your contact with it.

Give thanks to yourself and to your own Soul.

Give thanks to any other allies or helpful powers that you feel may have been involved.

Give thanks to the place in which you did this work.

Feel yourself filled with grace and power, balance and harmony, grounded in the wonder and power of your everyday life.  Om, Om, Om