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Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in the Sign of Cancer 2019
Exact time 2:30 pm

The Full Moon in Cancer with a partial lunar eclipse

Our Sun entered the sign of Cancer on June 21, the day of the summer solstice. At the time of the full moon on July 16, there is also a partial lunar eclipse. The eclipse time is 11:55 am (PDT). The exact moment of the full moon occurs a few hours later at 2:38 pm.

Any time we refer to “lunar” we are talking about the emotional body. It’s the moon, the past, the Mother principle. The moon stimulates our sensitivities, and as it controls the tides in the oceans, it also impacts our mood swings, our feeling nature. We are called then to be mindful of what triggers us. What creates that reactiveness within us, and how can we learn to temper our reactions?

Cancer- Capricorn Energies

The most important aspect we are dealing with this month is the conjunction of Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node. The South Node represents what we bring with us from our past. We are asked to be aware of these old patterns and not get stuck in them just because they feel familiar. We must take what we have learned from them and move forward into our evolutionary imperative.

So, there is something in this dynamic that is wanting to us outgrow the old habitual patterns and expand into our higher natures. But because they are all retrograde, (appearing to travel backward in the sky) we may have difficulty discerning what it is that wants to evolve and what needs to be left behind. Whatever it is, it may take time, since retrograde infers slow-moving. This may be a time to pause and review whatever situation is calling for our attention.

Saturn’s Influence

Saturn is the big player in this configuration. Saturn’s energy has a lot to do with discipline, structure, and commitments. With its retrograde status, these commitments may be hard to keep, and we may get tired of waiting for something to happen. However, even with extra delays, we can trust that this is a realistic timetable. Reality will arrive, the perspective will occur, maybe not soon enough for us, but delays can teach us about patience and deepening our level of trust in the Universe’s timetable.

Cancer and its opposite sign Capricorn

Cancer’s qualities: Water sign

Mothering, nurturing, wants to settle down and create a nest. Wants to nurse/fix others and protect loved ones from pain.  Has a very tender emotional nature and has a hard time setting boundaries, saying no, and requiring discipline from others. When Cancer has to be firm, she suffers. She feels too much and copes by overreacting and being overprotective. Cancer is a water sign, so the personality is naturally fluid.

Ruled by the moon and the tides so she can suffer from mood swings. One symbol for Cancer is the crab.  She hides under her shell and is territorial and tenacious. Her pincers hold on tightly to family, old ideas, old ways of being old wounds. She doesn’t forget or forgive easily. She doesn’t like change and can become very defensive when hurt.  As Cancer evolves, she expands her capacity to love and nurture and opens her arms to the whole world. Everyone becomes her family. She is the Mother of the world.

Capricorn’s qualities: Earth Sign

As an earth sign, Capricorn is pragmatic, practical, and more detached emotionally than Cancer. There is a strong inner authority that doesn’t listen so much to the clamor of the masses. Capricorn trusts his inner wisdom and stands in the world and says, “This is who I am.” He represents conscious, autonomous individuality. The evolved symbol for Capricorn is the mountaintop.  He climbs fearlessly, steadfastly to reach the peak of spiritual enlightenment.

How can these two energies work together, in balance?

  • Capricorn can provide the stability and grounding that watery Cancer needs. It is firm and reliable and stable and can anchor Cancer’s fluid nature.
  • Cancer has to learn to make earth her home, to become grounded in the physical reality that Capricorn represents.
  • When Cancer becomes fearful, she can call on Capricorns’ strength.
  • If she is awash in a sea of emotion, she can look to Capricorns’ rational, objective energy to give her clarity.
  • When Capricorn becomes rigid and detached from his heart, he can call on the warmth of Cancer to bathe him in unconditional love.

This full moon asks us to become aware of the balance between our outer life (Capricorn) and our inner life. (Cancer)

The Meditation

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Let us prepare ourselves for meditation

In our meditation, today we will spend a few minutes aligning with our higher wisdom, the Soul, and then we will sit in the silence while we contemplate a few questions related to the energies of this full moon. We will pause for a few minutes after each question to give you time to open and receive any insights or awareness to these few questions. You might find it helpful to have a pen and paper handy so you can write down any impressions you receive. I will bring you back with the sound of the bell. Let us prepare for meditation.

Take a moment to get comfortable in your seat, sitting with the spine erect but with no tension or constriction. Now let us begin by taking a few deep breaths, feeling the breath enter the body, filling it with light and ease. Notice any tension in the body and send the healing breath to those places. Feel the body release and let go as you exhale. Sit for a few moments and just allow the breath to help you to come home, into the body, to settle and relax.

Now take a moment and send the breath into your emotional body, settling down any feelings or sensations that may be disturbing your peace. Imagine a lake whose waters are still and calm, no ripples or waves just stillness. Breath in that calm. Then send your breath into the mind. Ask the mind to cooperate with you as you begin this meditation. Ask that it quiet down and that the busy chatter subside for just this time. Now imagine the light of the soul coalescing in a ball of light right above your head. Send your attention there and ask to be connected to this great source of wisdom. Take whatever time you need to feel that alignment take place.

Now from this place of deep connection to your highest wisdom, ask the Soul to expand your consciousness and provide you with insights into one or more of the following questions:

How can I stand in my own power as an individual and not lose my nurturing self?

How do I become my own inner authority and not become dependent on how other people see me or what others might expect of me?

How can I bring this integrated power and unconditional love out into the world to be of greater service?

Now bring yourselves gently back to the room where you are sitting and feel yourself grounded as you bring your energy into your body. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and open your eyes.

After this recording is finished you might want to take some time to record any impressions or insights that you may have gained from your meditation.

Let us close with the Great Invocation

From the point of light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men

May the Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

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