This month we have an unusual occurrence that happens only once every two to three years. There are two full moons within one month and both are in the same sign, Gemini. So now we are celebrating our second full moon in the sign of Gemini. However almost a full month has gone by since that time so this sign is at a different degree. As a planet moves through a sign the energies will shift. So a planet in the early degrees of a sign (there are 30 degrees in each sign) will be more about initiating a new phase of development whereas at the later degrees, (28, and 29) are about completion and transitioning to the next level. So we are completing the energies of Gemini and preparing for the downpouring of Cancerian energies. The exact moment of this full moon is at 4:02am, (PST) June 20th. Just hours later we move into the sign of Cancer and the energies of the Summer Solstice. So thinking back on this last month let us ponder how well we embodied the energies of Gemini and its opposite sign, Sagittarius. Let us review the themes of these two signs:

Harmlessness.   “How mindful of my thoughts, words, and actions have I been this month?”

Universality.  Was I able to see the Divine at work in all my experiences, to see the larger picture? Can I trust that?

Oneness.  How able was I to look at the people in my life and see all the ways we are connected, rather than our differences?

These are some of the powerful themes of Gemini and Sagittarius and as we end our concentrated focus on this energy let us recommit to walking our talk and to embodying our deepest truth. Let us use our discerning minds to eliminate from our lives everything that might distract us from what truly matters.

Let us shift gears a bit now and talk about the upcoming Summer Solstice. Solstices are known to be energetic gateways where there is a thinning of the veil and cosmic energies can more easily penetrate our earth’s atmosphere, as well as our psyches. This is a good time to be in meditation where the opportunity to connect with our teachers/helpers in the spiritual realms is greatly enhanced. It can be a wonderful time to receive guidance and assistance from the Great Ones. We are also told that the fairies are very close to us at this time so we have an opportunity to commune with their energy.

The Solstice is a time of celebration in the natural world. We celebrate the fruits of our labor, the earth, the feminine principle, the “Yin” energy whereas at the Winter Solstice we honored the heavens, the masculine “yang” energy. We celebrated the darkness because it was a time of withdrawal and rest, of hibernation. At the Summer Solstice w celebrate the light, growth and expansion. We honor our connection to the Sun as our source of light and life just as we honor the light that is within us.

Consider celebrating this day out in nature, if possible, in gratitude and appreciation for her beauty and abundance and to celebrate the light that is within you. Can you appreciate the fullness of your own life, the abundance that is yours?

Summer Solistice

A poem for Summer Solstice

“I thank God for this most amazing day,
For the leaping greenly spirits of trees,
And for the blue dream of sky
And for everything that is natural,
Which is infinite,
Which is YES.”

e.e. Cummings

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the full moon, can deepen your transformation.

How can I use the energy of this new beginning to be of greater service to the world?

Is there a way I can strengthen my connection to nature so that I may be more in sync with her cycles and more open to a partnership with her?

Creating Ritual

I invite you to create a short ritual for yourself that will help to honor the changing of the seasons as we move into a different cycle of nature.

creating ritual

Find a time and place where you will be alone and in solitude for a short period of time, or gather with friends if you wish.  This would best be done as close to the exact time of the Solstice as possible.  (3:34pm PST)

Create a space for a small altar and place mini-lights or candles around the altar.  In the center have a bouquet of flowers that have many petals.  Have paper and pen handy.

Sit in solitude for a few minutes, taking a few deep breaths to quiet the mind and body.  Invoke the energies of the Solstice and feel them as they descend. Feel your gratitude to nature for her abundance and her beauty.  Feel your connection to her, how she grounds you and holds you.  Invite the fairy energy to also be present and feel the joy that they feel to be invited into your world.  Let their joy and lightness fill you.

Now spend a few moments in contemplation and consider with your quiet mind all the ways in which your life has been blessed with abundance this year.  Consider the non -materialistic things as well as those more tangible gifts.  List on your piece of paper all the ways you have been blessed this year.

Now still holding your alignment consider what it is you would like to manifest in the next 6 months and write those things down on the other side of your paper.  Realize that this is a powerful time to make these wishes known.  The universe is listening and the gateway is open.

When you feel complete with this process place your piece of paper on the altar and gently scatter the petals of your flowers over the altar….being sure that your paper gets some of the petals.  In this way we symbolically invite nature to bless our heart’s desires and grant us our wishes.

And because we have a co-creative relationship with nature take the last few moments to consider what steps you can take to bring your wishes to fruition.

Before you leave your sacred space be sure to thank all the energies that were present, the solstice and full moon energies, the fairy energy, your own higher self….and whoever else might have been with you.

And so it is.