Leo New Moon

The Living Fiery Essence

“I am that living fiery essence of the divine substance that flows in the beauty of the fields.
I shine on the water;
I burn in the sun and moon and the stars.
The mysterious force of the invisible world is mine.
I sustain the breath of all living beings.
I breathe in the grass and in the flowers;
and when the waters flow like living things, it is I . . .
I am the force that lies hidden in the winds;
they take their source from me, as a man may move because he breathes;
fire burns by my blast.
All these live because I am in them and am their life.
I am Wisdom.
The blaring thunder of the Word by which all things were made is mine.
I permeate all things that they may not die;
I am life.”

~Hildegard of Bingen

This new moon in the sign of Leo focuses on the themes of creativity, Light, Love, and trusting our inner guidance. Leo was born to create, to bring the light within out into the world and shine.  With the Sun as it’s ruler, Leo can be a brilliant force of light and love in the world.

This new moon asks that we deepen our trust in our own inner wisdom, even when we don’t know the next step or where it is leading us. It’s a journey of clearing away what is not our true essence and strengthening our connection to our higher nature, our Soul. Only in this way can we be a force for light and love in the world.

Venus is in Leo at this new moon and she connects the themes of love, light and creativity. When we are in a place of unconditional love our hearts expand, we feel powerful and aligned. Our creative juices flow and we pour that love into whatever we are creating. As we express our creations in the world everyone is impacted by the love that went into that creation. In this way we become a healing force to whomever we touch.

The planet Saturn also plays a big part in this new moon period. With Saturn we are asked to be clear about our boundaries and our priorities. When we have this clarification it is easier to take the steps that are needed to move us forward.  Saturn also emphasizes the need for discipline if we wish to manifest our desires. Make a plan, then follow it.

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the new moon, can deepen your transformation.

How can I more effectively learn to listen to the wisdom of my heart and trust my intuition?

Can I courageously face the parts of me that are in the way of a deeper connection to my true Self?

What steps can I take to manifest my heart’s desire……and am I clear about what that is?