New moons always point to new beginnings, a new birth. On the day of the new moon and for the three days following, the universe supports us in starting something new…a new project. This Libra new moon invites us to go within and consider what we have learned from the last 6 months and where we wish to move forward in our lives. Where can we begin again? Libra is concerned with how we find balance in our lives around the issues of independence, freedom and our need for a deeper connection with others. How do I maintain my own sense of myself while still engaging with another? “How well we can lead and follow reveals how assertive and responsive, controlling and compliant we are in everyday life.”  (Stephanie Austin)

At the time of this new moon the planet Venus is in Scorpio. This configuration asks us to delve deeply into our psyche and let the light of awareness shine on all the unredeemed, unconscious aspects of our personality. When we remain unaware of our conditioning and our unconscious beliefs we can spend a lifetime in roles that don’t really reflect our true nature. This new moon has the planet Jupiter sitting right next to the new moon. So we are encouraged to question the roles we play and our attitudes toward relationships. Are we willing to be vulnerable? Can we easily speak our truth? Are we living an authentic life?

Let us remember, at this new moon, that all relationships begin with our relationship to ourselves.

New Moon in Libra

A poem for Libra

Lo, I am with you always, means that when you look for God,
God is in the look in your eyes,
In the thought of looking, nearer to you than yourself,
Or things that have happened to you.
There’s no need to go outside.
Be melting snow.
Wash yourself of yourself,
A white flower grows in the quietness.
Let your tongue become the flower.”


Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the full moon, can deepen your transformation.


How comfortable am I with sharing all the parts of myself with another?

Am I aware of when I become passive instead of asserting my strength?

Are my relationships based on mutual empowerment and reciprocity or are they one sided?

Am I at peace with the relationship I have with myself?