Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Energetic Opportunity

Reassess ~ Reflect ~ Review ~ Rethink ~ Revise ~ Rework ~ Revisit 

As you may recall, the sign of Virgo can be very much about analyzing what we’ve created and then purging, or casting aside what doesn’t work or is no longer needed. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet associated with communication and thinking, among other things, and as of this writing we are right smack dab in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde.


mercury retrogradeIn case you are not familiar with the term or meaning of “retrograde”, it is a time in a planet’s orbit when it appears to be moving backwards. This is actually an optical illusion created by our position on earth relative to the orbit of the planet around the Sun. Mercury’s retrograde cycle tends to cover a four-week period and occurs about 4 times a year. You may have heard any number of concerns about activity during these times such as glitches related to communication, communication devices, travel, and contract signings. Regardless of the “optical illusion” in the Heavens, the common advice provided by Astrologers is to avoid beginning anything new during this time.  The idea is not to be daunted by a Mercury Retrograde, but rather to use it to best advantage. This timeframe is a period for reassessment, reflection, review, rethinking, revising, reworking.  Basically, anything that has been set in motion previously can be reconsidered or revisited.

To provide some context, I will share with you that I have made it my practice to avoid making any travel arrangements, electronics purchases (cell phones or computers) or contractual commitments during the retrograde period. I make sure that I have my schedule and all related arrangements, such as travel bookings and meeting dates, confirmed prior to Mercury going retrograde. When I began to study Astrology and shared my learning about this phenomenon, a friend of mine thought I was kidding about the potential challenges once can experience during this time.  However, that friend has twice entered into contract negotiations during a retrograde period and each time the opportunity has failed to crystalize. A few years ago the same friend purchased a cell phone during the retrograde and, during another similar period about a year later, purchased a computer.  In each case, neither piece of equipment ever functioned properly and there appeared to be no logical explanation for the problems. Coincidence?  Perhaps, but I now get a phone call before my friend proceeds with a contract opportunity or a technical purchase. You get the idea.

Mercury retrogradeWithout the added component of Mercury’s retrograde period, Virgo is the time in the zodiac cycle when we should naturally be reviewing what we have created, or the status of our efforts so far. A previous article referenced the symbol for Virgo and the wheat sheaf often carried by a woman, indicating the wisdom that has been harvested. Over the past few weeks I have found myself reviewing the previous months, taking stock of what I have learned and in fact considering what wisdom I have gleaned from all that has transpired since things were set in motion earlier this year. I have begun to think about what worked well, what didn’t work, what can be modified, what else do I need to learn now, and what just really needs to be discarded. I’ve also wondered if both Sun and Mercury retrograde in Virgo this year makes this a more potent time to acquire important insights as I move forward in the coming months.

Once again, I find myself marveling at the flow of the Universe. It was a few months ago when I decided to set aside some time this September to travel to Canada’s Prince Edward Island, a quiet and unhurried place, for some “think time” to review and analyze the status of things. My ideas, my projects, and plans in progress have seen enough light for me to intuit the value and possible outcome of each. Perhaps I had a subtle nudge from the Universe to take full advantage of this potentially potent time for reflection and review, to rethink some of my direction, revise if necessary, and recycle (or purge) if it makes sense. This is the second time in a few months when circumstances and time had a synchronistic feel to them, without my conscious intention. I’m beginning to feel more in flow with the natural rhythm of things than I ever have.

Astrologically speaking, this is a time when I should be analyzing my efforts and results anyway (under the Virgo Sun), but it is now underscored by the Virgo Mercury retrograde. So, what am I thinking about or reflecting on? A myriad of things…result achieved, and what I’ve learned, been involved with, or exposed to during the past 5 months.  For example, I recently had the opportunity to attend a conference on future world development and business trends.  The presenter referenced the United Nations 17 Goals for Sustainable Development which I have ruminated on ever since.  I’ve been thinking about how I can be of service in this regard, and you may recall the area of “service” is very Virgo.  I’m also reviewing my writing projects…writing is Mercury’s domain…and considering the direction I need to take with those endeavors. I’m asking myself whether I have the correct systems in place, and what do I need to do to refine the processes? (Again, Virgo…systems and processes)

What I discover during this few weeks will be the basis of decisions that guide my plans and actions over the coming months.  Of course, exactly what that means is perhaps the topic of a future posting. Until then, during the last few days of Virgo and the accompanying Mercury’s Retrograde, ask yourself the question “Is there anything more that I need to review during this time, before I make a decision and take action”.  An understanding of these cycles and rhythms can provide us with opportunities and helpful insights, reaping the harvest of our own wisdom…if we use them wisely!



~ Jayne Logan   Jayne Logan