
Neptune: Lord of Imagination – Illusion or Delusion?

The planet Neptune is not visible to the naked eye and its discovery in 1846 was steeped in confusion. Urbain Le Verrier, who is generally credited with its discovery, mathematically predicted Neptune’s existence which was subsequently confirmed by an astronomer working from Verrier’s calculations at the Berlin Observatory.  This historical reference is significant in that it highlights two of the qualities associated with Neptune, both confusion and illusion or lack of clarity, as indicated by the discovery of the ‘unseen’ body by means other than visual revelation. Thus, Neptune’s beginnings provide us with clues as to the nature of some astrological characteristics with which it is associated.

A Modern Planet

NeptuneConsidered a ‘modern’ planet, Neptune does not exist within traditional astrology since it was not known to the ancients. Astronomically, it is the 8th planet in our solar system and the fourth largest (by diameter). A single orbit around the Sun takes place over 165 years with the planet spending approximately 14 years within each sign. One of the three ‘outer planets’ (Uranus and Pluto are the others), it reflects the tone and qualities of the general collective rather than the individual.

Discovered during the aftermath of the industrial revolution, at a time of growing awareness of social and humanitarian issues, it came into the collective consciousness almost co-incident with the communist manifesto, the women’s suffrage movement, and the idea of escapism that was sparked by challenging working and living conditions brought about by industrialization.

Escape and Transcendence

Neptune’s position by sign is indicative of society’s need for escape and transcendence from mundane life through connection with, or immersion in, the arts and film as well as dreams and other illusionary influences. This extends beyond just the social experience and includes the spiritual realm, offering a path towards the divine as individuals search for healing, and redemption.

The planet of imagination, idealism and mystery, Neptune is the planet that generationally defines what society and culture finds glamorous and appealing. In recent years one could highlight the arts, movie stars, reality television personalities, the rich and famous, musicians, and many others, providing an outlet or avenue for some to lose themselves in the illusion of what is perceived as desirable. On the other hand, such diversions may be sources of inspiration, though one needs to be aware of the potential for illusion and self-deception.

Neptune can be both subtle and powerful particularly where the subconscious mind is involved. There is often a lack of clarity with this planet, commonly considered to cloud or dissolve whatever it encounters, though it can also offer a level of sensitivity resulting in a more compassionate approach.

House Influence

Astrologically, as an outer planet, the House where Neptune resides and the house it rules (with Pisces on the cusp) is where the effects of the planet will be experienced, including significant sensitivity. For example, on the cusp of the 3rd House there may be a tendency for the individual to be idealistic in their views, Mindfulnesswhile on the 6th House cusp there may be a desire to express compassion through work in service to others who are in need of help. Neptune in the 5th House may suggest an artistic individual, perhaps with a particular interest in film or music, and the potential to be quite idealistic when it comes to romantic involvement.

As with any planet or sign, there are always positive and negative forms of expression. With Neptune’s principle of dissolving barriers, it offers the capacity to elevate us towards spiritual experiences, or to drag us down into confusion and self-deception.

It has been said that where Neptune appears in the chart it highlights areas of potential for great compassion that may either be given or received. I invite you to consider Neptune’s placement in your own chart. Where has compassion or illusion manifested in your life? Perhaps with some understanding things may be a little clearer or reveal an alternate path towards greater clarity.