By Natasha Alter

When I first started studying astrology and learning about my natal chart, I caught myself thinking, “I wish my parents had known that when I was born.” I realized how many misconceptions, projections, painful misunderstandings and emotional traumas could have been avoided had my parents been instructed in the nature of the child they had just received. Astrology can be an indispensable tool in conscious parenting.

shutterstock_234419869-300x200Astrology cannot be overestimated as an indispensable tool in conscious parenting. Each child comes into this existence with a unique destiny to fulfill, a journey to experience, skills to master. The birth chart is the blueprint of incarnation, a map of the journey ahead. It reveals the personality the soul has chosen to express itself through in this lifetime.

The unique kaleidoscope of gifts, traits, emotional and intellectual make-up, sensitivities and perceptions are all coded in the matrix of the birth chart. The potential for full expression is there but whether and to what degree this potential will be activated is partially dependent on the environment each child will interact with on his or her journey.

What Astrology Reveals About Our Children

Below are a few essential themes, revealed in the natal chart, that serve as important building blocks in the healthy development of each child:

1. Emotional nature and needs
2. Parent-child dynamic and perception of mother and father
3. Intellectual and psychological profile
4. Physical needs, health and vitality
5. Innate gifts, talents and creative outlets
6. Transpersonal profile, generational and collective traits
7. Individual learning tendencies and ideal educational choices
8. Spiritual development and the best ways to support this unfoldment

Supporting Emotional Needs

shutterstock_98163134-300x200Emotional support and the experience of safety are fundamental in providing a solid, secure foundation for a developing soul. But the way each child will feel emotionally nurtured will differ with each case, just as we as adults have different ways to find comfort and emotional fulfillment.

Some children will crave a lot of physical closeness while others will be nourished by conversation; some will thrive in shared physical activities while others will feel more comfortable in intimate one-on-one attention.When coping with emotional reactions, some children will need to dwell on the event in order to assimilate it, others will find healing in play, some heal through social interactions and some will need a tantrum to release the emotional stress.

All of these diverse emotional needs are coded in each child’s chart. This knowledge can be crucial in understanding, supporting and creating more closeness between parent and child. It opens doors for patience in place of frustration and irritation, compassion instead of judgement, and loving acceptance in place of fear.

Informing Educational Choices Through the Natal Chart

Each child has a unique channel through which she receives and integrates information. Some children will be receptive to experience-based learning, some will thrive learning at their own pace, others need more structure and some learn best through osmosis. Some children prefer learning in groups while others do better in a small, intimate setting.

The old teaching system has been built on rigid linear principles of learning, which are becoming more and more outdated in contemporary trends. Children are rebelling against the old schooling techniques in various ways, and often times this leads to unnecessary grief and trauma for both parent and the child.

Fortunately, alternative schools and teaching methods are springing up all over the world; initiated by conscious parents and progressive teachers. There are many options available for parent’s to consider and the astrological chart can assist in choosing the type of education that will help your child to thrive.

Insights Into the Evolutionary Journey

shutterstock_75320806-300x225For a spiritually oriented parent, the natal chart provides insight into the evolutionary journey and karmic lessons the incarnated soul will embark upon in this lifetime. It describes a soul connection between parent and a child and the potential healing and growth that can manifest through that connection.

From a metaphysical prospective, each child chooses specific parents that will provide necessary circumstances for the evolving soul to experience and grow through. And vice versa, each parent will call in the soul that will challenge and stimulate further expansion of consciousness.

In this way, parents and children serve each other as teachers and healers, reflecting and mirroring to each other the key issues to transform, heal and transmute. Working with astrological insights can deepen the spiritual connection and enhance spiritual growth and awareness for both child AND the parent.

Parenting Consciously with Astrology…

Within a magnificent flow of Divine creation, giving life to a new soul and nurturing it to full blossom is one of the most sacred work we can do in our lifetime. Understanding and supporting the child in his unfoldment as an authentic empowered being, helping to unlock the inherent potential, is indeed a conscious spiritual process that simultaneously allows the parent to deepen and grow as a spiritual being.

If you would like to inquire further about how astrology can assist you as a parent and teacher, please contact Natasha at