Second House

The Second House of the Horoscope is naturally ruled by Taurus and, as such, the planet Venus. This house is associated with our values, self-worth, personal resources and finances, earned income, personal possessions and real estate holdings. Known as the House of possessions and values one often relates it to tangible things, in keeping with its earthy nature, and is closely linked to what we manifest. The material goods that we own are often a reflection of what we value in life, things that provide us with a sense of well-being and make our lives more enjoyable.

The first three houses in the Horoscope all relate to self-expression, and in the case of the 2nd House it is where we give form and substance to express our individuality. If one considers the qualities of both Taurus and Venus an image of this area of life can take shape. Taurus likes comfort and material security which it supports with the idea ownership and holding onto things. Some might enhance their financial security by acquiring property and therefore build their sense of well-being by establishing a real estate portfolio. Consider also the influence of Venus with Taurus and a love of art and beautiful things, which perhaps inspires one to adorn their home or office with works of art and objects that create an attractive and pleasing environment.

Another important characteristic reflected in this house is one’s relationship with money. The sign on the cusp of the 2nd House, as well as the planets residing within, provides clues as to the role of money in our lives. How we earn money, how we spend it, and whether we save or invest it. Is one a budgeter or a spendthrift? Taurus on the cusp of the 2nd House suggests one has a practical approach to managing money and investments, though Cancer in this position indicates the potential for family and relationships to have a strong influence on one’s handling of money. While there may be a tendency to save in order to feel secure the need to support family obligations or nurture others may prompt a parting from one’s savings to support those areas of life more strongly valued than either wealth or bank balance. Sagittarius on the cusp of the 2nd House may indicate ‘luck’ in terms of acquiring money, although it can suggest risk taking and recklessness as one’s optimism provides the fuel for spending or investing. These are just a few examples that can be extrapolated over the other signs of the zodiac.

While there is a strong tangible nature to the 2nd House it is equally representative of things which are intangible such as our own feelings of self-worth and the relationships we value. There is a strong correlation between relationships and self-esteem so it makes sense that we are attracted to people and connections that reflect what we value or want most deeply. Here the influence of Venus is apparent since we are dealing with ‘attraction’ and what makes us feel good. For example if you highly value a feeling of security and safety, whatever that may mean to you (money, possessions, etc.), you will want to draw in relationships that make you feel that way. If you value freedom, you will want to manifest both relationships and resources to provide that sense of independence and autonomy.

Within the Horoscope, the 2nd House is considered a ‘succedent’ house which means it follows on from the previous angular house. While the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) represent the structure of one’s life and defines personality, home and family, relationships, and career, the role of succeedent houses is to support or stabilize whatever has been initiated in the angular house preceding it. Therefore, quite simply, the role of the 2nd House is to support whatever was created in the 1st House. As the 1st House represents Self, your arrival into being, the 2nd House represents what anchors you here.  It holds within it all the things you can call your own, though it is important to understand these are not things which are ‘given’ but rather worked for, and at. Here, money is earned in some way, shape or form and it is yours alone. What you do with it depends on what you value or want. If you value money and want more, you are likely to protect what you have and work conservatively to build your financial resources.

The Second House is one of manifestation where everything, both tangible and intangible, becomes real. It is an area that cannot and should not be neglected. Take a look at the sign on the cusp of your 2nd House and consider how it relates to what you value and what you have manifested in your life thus far. What resonates with you? Have had some struggles that suggest you may have been working against your 2nd House energies, or have you noticed that working with the particular qualities represented there creates a tendency for things to flow more easily? What types of relationships have you attracted, and are they in support of your values? At a time when ‘values’ seem to be upper-most in the minds of many, perhaps consider how manifesting those which you hold deeply may have a positive influence on the people around you, or even the greater community.

~ Jayne Logan   Jayne Logan