Scorpio New Moon 2016

By |2019-05-10T01:22:15+00:00October 28th, 2016|New Moon|

This new moon in Scorpio finds us entertaining the energies of Scorpio, who loves nothing better than the mystery, the unknown, the darkness. She moves in like a detective, ready to unveil all that is hidden and secretive, that which is below the surface. She will not rest until she discovers the deepest, underlying message beneath all the subterfuge.

Virgo New Moon

By |2019-05-10T01:22:31+00:00August 30th, 2016|New Moon|

This month the new moon in Virgo falls on Thursday, September 1st, at 2:03am (PDT) Just 5 minutes later there is a solar eclipse. Just 15 days later we have a lunar eclipse in Virgo’s opposite sign, Pisces. Then the fall equinox occurs on September 22nd. So, this is a power packed month. Eclipses come in pairs and can mark major endings or beginnings, shifts in power, and sometimes they help create lasting changes in our lives. Since these eclipses occur in the sign of Virgo and Pisces we will be presented with opportunities to learn discernment, to take charge of our own healing, to remember how we are all one. Virgo knows how to heal through her connection to the earth’s wisdom. Pisces lives in the waters and washes away any wounds of separation so we may live in the knowing of our deep connection to others.

Leo New Moon

By |2019-05-10T01:22:38+00:00July 30th, 2016|New Moon|

This new moon in the sign of Leo focuses on the themes of creativity, Light, Love, and trusting our inner guidance. Leo was born to create, to bring the light within out into the world and shine. With the Sun as it’s ruler, Leo can be a brilliant force of light and love in the world.

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