At the new moon on May 6th we have an unusual configuration of planets. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury are all in the sign of Taurus. In addition, this is the third of three Super New Moons, meaning that the moon and sun are very close to the earth. This intensifies the gravitational pull, thus we are more prone to emotional ups and downs. The four planets in Taurus indicate our need to be in complete alignment with our higher values, triggering deep self-exploration. What is most important to us? What feeds us and nourishes our bodies and minds? How much do we value ourselves? This new moon is about abundance and accepting our responsibility in manifesting our deepest longings. Do you know what you really long for? This is more than just a material desire. What is it that makes your heart sing, that brings you alive that nudges you to be of greater service? This is an alignment of the deepest within you to the highest within you. This new moon also gives us a beautiful aspect as the Moon, Venus, Mercury form a grand trine to Jupiter (in Virgo)  and Pluto (in Capricorn.) Trines always make passages easier and less troublesome. They help us move along with less resistance or effort. This trine helps us get clear about what we want and supports us in our efforts to achieve that goal. Jupiter in Virgo wants us to keep committed but also to be discerning. Pluto in Capricorn asks that we understand and recognize our responsibilities while it supports our highest aspirations.

Questions to deepen your transformation:

What do I truly value?

What is worth my time and energy?

Am I willing to commit to manifesting what is true for me?