Capricorn New Moon

The new moon this month falls on Wednesday, December 28th and it is in the sign of Capricorn.  The symbol for Capricorn is the mountain goat. Sure footed and steady he climbs the mountain of either material achievement or spiritual enlightenment, depending on his level of consciousness. Either mountain demands discipline, commitment, and an ability to focus on the goal. To use the energies of Capricorn at their highest level we learn to trust our inner knowing. We become our own authority. We stand in our sovereignty and claim our spiritual power. We climb the mountain of spiritual aspiration and when we reach the mountaintop we are transformed and we take on the mantle of our true nature, a Being of Light. But this is not the end of our journey. We are called then to travel back down the mountain to become a beacon of Light for humanity.

Every new moon offers us the opportunity to take a breath and pause to take inventory of our lives. Since this new moon falls so close to the end of the year we are given the chance to revisit the year that has just passed and to look forward to what we wish to manifest in the new year. What were the lessons for you in 2016? Can you articulate your intentions for 2017?

capricornFinding the Right Mountain to Climb

One of the challenges in Capricorn is to choose the right mountain to climb, to be clear we are living our own aspirations and not someone else’s wishes for us. This new moon asks us to spend some time contemplating whether we are on the right track, on our track, or have we somehow taken a detour? Can we trust our own inner guidance to lead us or are we still bound by society’s standards? To move forward on our path takes courage because we must let go of everything that does not serve us. We can call on the discipline, the commitment, the steadfastness of Capricorn to help us navigate the path to the top of the mountain.

Mercury and Uranus are important players in this new moon period. Mercury reminds us of using discernment in our speech. How we use our words has an impact. Our minds are powerful so we are urged to monitor our thought life. Uranus is the god of chaos and its energy is very powerful right now. To moderate this intensity, we are asked to be thoughtful of how we respond to situations, and people. Reactivity is not helpful. Thoughtful response is called for, what the Buddhist call “right action.”

Birthing a New World

Let us move into this new year with high aspirations. We are birthing a new world and the labor pains are difficult. Let us not lose sight of the mountaintop where the Light can bathe us all in its radiance.

A Poem for Capricorn

Change the Lighting

If you can’t change yourself,
after all the efforts,
change the light by which you read your story.

Exchange overhead for something softer –
a lamp, a candle, a vine of shining holiday lights
and feel yourself
become hugged by the fabric of shadows.

You see the darkness here has a wisdom too.
You see these objects around become related
by the pregnant emptiness that holds them,
and you.

Let this light reveal the rapture
of being just this.

Then, further still, try
moonlight, or no light, until, at last
this open, sourceless, incandescence
which you are
no matter who you think you are
will follow you from the inside
wherever you may go, however
you may change, or not.

~ Brooke McNamara

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the new moon, can deepen your transformation.

Can I hold the vision of a new world emerging in my mind and use that to dispel any fear or anxiety I have about the happenings of these times?

Where am I being called to a more authentic life?

Where do I need to reclaim my own inner authority?