The new moon in Aquarius ushers in two important events.  We welcome the Chinese New Year and a few weeks later we begin the yearly eclipse cycle. In Chinese astrology this is the year of the Fiery Rooster. This year the Rooster is a harbinger of great change and with it will come many challenges but it also brings the fire of hope and transformation if we can act in a harmonious way toward the challenges that occur.

This new moon is the gateway into the eclipse cycle that begins with the full moon on February 11th. These Leo/Aquarius eclipses will bring up the issues of independence vs. relationship with others. It will also invite us to shine our light brightly into the world as we share our gifts. With the potential for big changes during this 6 week cycle we are asked to realign our energy fields so we are able to make the choices that will benefit the highest good.

The overriding theme of this new moon, however, focuses on fostering our independence. How can we bring our best self to the visions we hold of the future? Mars enters its home sign in Aries and offers us the courage to move forward and follow our own unique and independent path. We are helped in this process by the inherent detachment of Aquarius. The Aquarian is often able to fly above the emotional turmoil going on below and focus on the big picture, seeing also the possibilities for the future.

The planets Uranus and Saturn, as two of the rulers of Aquarius, play an important role in this new moon as well.  These two signs require that we somehow marry our urge for radical, unpredictable change with the lord of structure, Saturn. Even though it may feel boring and difficult to approach change with some kind of structure, it’s no more difficult than letting things stay the same because you don’t believe they can get better.

Venus and Saturn also make an uncomfortable square in this chart. Venus wants to connect, to join and Saturn feels more comfortable with firm boundaries. Venus wants to please and Saturn says, “get real.” These two signs aren’t exactly best buddies, but if we can work creatively with some constraints what is possible for us to manifest?

In a nutshell, this new moon is full of contradictory energies, and yet the creative potential is urging us toward manifesting a new vision.

Above the Turmoil

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the new moon, can deepen your transformation.

Questions for contemplation:

How can I get my own needs met, stay strong in my own individual power and still make room for relationship and the “other?”

How can I bring my own light, my own gifts more fully into the world?  Is it possible for me to shine my light more brightly?

How can I use the structure of Saturn to mediate my urge for unpredictable, radical change?

A poem for Aquarius

Freedom Yet To Find
by Heidi Rose Robbins


If there’s a shred, ounce

scrap, swath, field

of freedom yet to find —


set me on that course,

put me on that plane


(though fear of flight

reduces me

to quivering flesh).


I will board

lunge from boredom

assume make shift wings

say farewell to what’s known–


the impossible,

the implausible

the improbable.


If there’s a pool, galaxy,

snippet, cup

of freedom yet to find


Bring it to my lips

let me drink

though I may shrink,


or disappear,


I will consume

what scares me

and know


the magic of peacock

who gobbles

red ant poison

but walks unscathed

as beauty.


What is known is always knocking.

You do not have to answer.

Fling open the back door

to the YES

of unspeakable light

and boundless time.


The invitation ever exists–

if there is a hint,

whiff, touch,

whisper of freedom

left to find


Ready your ship

Let the winds blow

Refuse the map of

discovered worlds.


Let love be your compass.

Set sail.