Eleventh House

Sharing Dreams, Hopes and Wishes with Friends, Affiliations and Groups

GroupThe Eleventh House of the horoscope represents the areas of life associated with our relationships to groups and the collective, including friends, social organizations and others who share our ideals, dreams, hopes and wishes. This is an ‘air’ house so it relates to energies concerning communication and connection but, in a social or societal sense, reflecting the urge to belong to groups or causes that are outside one’s immediate personal sphere.

Less Personal

The idea of ‘social affiliations’, ‘friends’ or ‘organizations’ in the 11th is much less personal, therefore differing from relationships reflected in the 3rd and 7th Houses. Whereas the 3rd House is about our intellectual abilities and communication skills, the relationships with our siblings, and friends with whom we have a very close relationship; the 11th is about affiliations and acquaintances with those who share a common ideal or interest.

The 7th House reflects our intimate relationships and partnerships, people with whom we connect on a deeper or contractual level in a one-on-one, or cooperative relationship; whereas the 11th describes how we communicate with society in general, and with our varied friends and acquaintances. In this house we often develop connections established through our careers or hard work, and the status we have created for ourselves through those endeavors. Our accomplishments in the 10th House areas of life, enable us to step outside of ourselves and share what we have learned, and earned, with others in the 11th.

Influence of Aquarius

Eleventh HouseThe sign of Aquarius is the natural ruler of the 11th and Uranus is the modern ruling planet. Aquarius speaks to the elements of the collective, humanity and the future, through the combined resources of individual creativity. Each person offers something of their own as a unique expression of themselves, and every member of the organization or team is viewed as important. Relationships we have within this house reflect a shared sense of purpose and values, and through these connections ea

ch member of the group contributes to the shared vision or hopes for the future.

Opposite to the 11th in the natal chart is the 5th House of creativity and leisure, the areas of life where one learns to play and socialize when they are young. The 11th house is about who we play with or the teams of which we are a part. This is known as the “Axis of Creativity”. To illustrate, if one is a musician in the 5th, the 11th is the band or orchestra to which they belong. In the 5th house we are unique and develop our own special gifts, and in the 11th is where we share that gift along with others to achieve a common purpose. Here, everyone has a role with no one individual being more special than another, and the overall result is the symphony created by the collective contributions of each musician and their instrument.

Finding a Group that Fits

Planets in the 11th House will provide an indication of the types of groups we are drawn to and the roles we have within them. How we relate within a group, and how we operate in situations which call for the combined effort of more than one person, is reflected in this house.  Here we are a member of a team and the relationships we have with our peers is suggested by any planets residing here, as well as the sign on the cusp. Mars in this placement suggests that one might enjoy the spirit of competition and actively engage in sports or games.

The individual may rise to the position of team leader and, in the case of causes, take up the fight on behalf of others. Mercury however, might be indicative of someone who likes to connect with others to share ideas or solve problems. Because the nature of this house is societal, the ideas considered are not solely those of the individual but relate to a broader concern, perhaps of a humanitarian, progressive or political nature.

The sign on the cusp of the 11th describes the types of friends and groups we associate with and what our societal concerns might be. Aquarius on the cusp suggests that friends and affiliations are a large part of one’s life and humanitarian concerns may be an example of a shared ideal. With Sagittarius on the cusp it suggests one might keep company with friends from, or in, a foreign country and connections with causes and groups may have an international or philosophical flavour.

Connections that Foster Creativity

CreativityThe 11th is a visible House and one where our connections and ideals become involved in a larger way, enabling us to participate in collective goals, causes and aspirations. I invite you to look at your own 11th House and consider the sign on the cusp and any planets that reside within. How do they reflect the types of friends you have and the affiliations you hold?

Does the creativity fostered within your 5th House show up in the 11th? If not, consider whether you are fully expressing your individual gifts within those groups where you feel drawn to connect. This house reflects the areas of life where we have a chance to make a positive impact for the greater good. For some of us this will be in a very visible and impactful way, yet for others it may be subtle or quietly supportive. Whatever the endeavor, it is important that your gifts are shared with likeminded people whose hopes and wishes you value as your own. The opportunity here is for a rich shared experience from which you, and others, may find benefit and fulfillment.

Want to learn more about astrology and how to better understand yourself and your life?  Check out Jayne’s upcoming webinar! 

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