Ninth House

Higher Realms

The Ninth House of the horoscope represents the areas of life that, in many ways, take us to higher realms. Philosophy, International Travel, Foreign Cultures and Higher Learning all serve to expand our inner and outer worlds. This is a ‘fire’ house, representing activities that inspire us to pursue them with passion and enthusiasm.

There is a sense of individualism here that ignites a type of pioneering spirit and self-confidence. Naturally ruled by the sign of Sagittarius, a sense of adventure and exploration has potential to fuel one’s personal and spiritual growth.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the 9th House and, the sheer size of this giant compared to other planets in our solar system suggests the magnitude of what is possible. Optimism and opportunity enable the traveler to go in search of a personal philosophy or a way of being that represents their beliefs or aspirations. Jupiter and this part of the horoscope, draw in elements of truth and morality, independence and broad-mindedness, with great vistas and the lure of far off horizons to encourage greater learning, deeper understanding, and spiritual development.

The Axis of Knowledge

CommunicationThe 9th House is where we seek to enhance our world and develop a clearer understanding of those with whom we share it. The 3rd House is at the opposite side of the horoscope, forming the base of what is known as the ‘Axis of Knowledge’. Early in life we learn to communicate, express ourselves within our immediate sphere, and begin to develop skills of relating as we interact with siblings and other children in the neighborhood, expressing ideas in our first language.

The 9th House builds on this base, taking us far outside of familiar territory and often to international realms where a new language or modes of expression are learned and used. We are exposed to foreign cultures and philosophies which are unfamiliar and many of us develop a new or enhanced understanding that supports or changes one’s early beliefs. In this house the opportunity to grow and learn is immense and there seems to be no limit to the possibilities. An urge for discovery, openness to other viewpoints, and one’s creativity can accomplish a great deal.

Building a Broader Perspective

What we learn in the 9th House can lead us into areas of commerce and trade with international scope. Books and publishing are reflected here, allowing words to have greater reach. The philosophies of truth and a search for meaning draw in the areas of Law, Religion, Teaching, and Diplomacy. These are things that shape our world both intellectually and spiritually, helping to guide our journey and find purpose in our lives.

The sign on the cusp of the 9th House suggests the manner in which one addresses related issues, or the way in which one participates with these areas of life. For example, Sagittarius on the cusp suggests an enthusiasm and optimism that will drive forward with a sense of adventure and no concern for restrictions…a full-on approach seeking what is over the next hill, or around the next corner.

PhilosophyThe sign of Aquarius might indicate a non-traditional or alternative approach to higher learning, or a philosophy that includes the application of metaphysical subjects. This sign also suggests a philosophy of inclusiveness reflecting openness and a level of acceptance to the vast world of cultures and perspectives.

Planets and Related Energy

Planets that reside in the 9th House of the horoscope provide an indication of how related energies will express in one’s life. Mercury might suggest a focus on writing or publishing flavored by creativity that allows one’s mind to wander far and explore ideas and realms that are new and different. In this regard the broader the better, so broadcasting and mass media are areas in which this individual might participate. Curious about the world and all it entails may also draw one into investigative journalism. The planet Neptune here might suggest a focus on religion or spiritual philosophy, perhaps as an elder or teacher.

Ninth House Rulership

If there are no planets resident in this house, the ruler’s position for the sign on the cusp will suggest where and how related themes will manifest. Also to be considered, is the house in the horoscope where Sagittarius appears on the cusp, referencing that which one seeks. For example, this sign on the 7th House cusp may indicate the native is in pursuit of relationships and connections leading to shared adventures, or ones that provide a framework for philosophical or spiritual growth.

The 9th House reminds us there is always somewhere to go, a way to grow our inner selves, and something amazing and meaningful to experience. Learning is a continual theme and sharing that wisdom is the role of the spiritual, or other, teachers representing this house.

A quote by Gandhi seems most appropriate to this part of the chart “live as if you to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever”. I love this idea and it is one that has shaped my life to a very large degree. Perhaps it resonates with you as well?

Want to learn more about astrology and how to better understand yourself and your life?  Check out Jayne’s upcoming webinar! 

Webinar-Astrology Basics


This 6-week Astrology Basics webinar series provides an introduction to the complex world of astrology and is suitable for beginners, new students, or anyone with a general interest in the topic. The program will take you through the basics while offering an entre into the unique language of this ancient art, in an easy-to-understand and interactive format.

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