The July 23rd New Moon takes place at 0 degrees of Leo, announcing the Leo season. The sun moves into the sign of Leo on July 22nd. Leo is a fire sign and when we add the fiery energy of Mars, which will be sitting right next to the Leo sun, we have a potent combination.

New moons always herald new beginnings and this one has all the potential to be a hot one. How does the energy of fire sit in your body? Does it burn you up or energize you? With this Leo/Mars combination there is the possibility of a wide range of expressions. Mars wants action, wants to initiate something. Leo is only too willing to step on the stage and create something new as long as he is the star of the show. With two fire signs so close to one another we run the risk of impulsivity, thoughtless action, and aggressive behavior. We are called to find healthy outlets for all this fiery energy.

To add to the mix we have Mars squared to Uranus in Aries. Aries is another fire sign and Mars and Uranus don’t always play well together. Uranus makes Mars more explosive, unpredictable, possibly even violent and dangerous. We will need to focus on patience, taming the fires, and tending to our nervous systems so we don’t get over stimulated and take actions that don’t serve the Higher Good.

This is the first of two new moons in Leo. The next one takes place on the day of the solar eclipse, August 21st. All the energies of Leo will be highlighted, and intensified, the shadow as well as the higher expression. Let’s make sure that we manifest the higher qualities of the Leo energies; “His authentic self starts to reveal itself as he opens his heart to the larger world. He sees himself in everything. This loving inclusivity teaches him to take his power and use it wisely, with love. Love with courage. Love without dominating or manipulating.” (Full Moon Magic, by Karen Johannsen)

Leo Mantram

More radiant than the Sun

Purer than the snow

Subtler than the ether,

Is the Self, the Spirit within me.

I am that Self

That Self am I. (Alice Bailey, From Intellect to Intuition, p, 228)


Questions for contemplation

How can I use mindfulness to help me tame the intense fires of this new moon?

Can I give myself permission to be vigilant in my self care as I navigate through this month?

What does, “right action”, mean to me?

How can I use this fiery energy in a healthy way?