Gemini Full Moon 2017

By |2019-05-10T00:54:20+00:00June 8th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

The Gemini full moon is the last in the series of Three Spring Festivals. We began with the Aries Festival of the Resurrection, celebrating the new impulse of livingness associated with Spring. Then in Taurus we participated in a guided meditation to the Wesak Valley in Tibet where, according to the ancient legends, the Buddha returned to confer a powerful blessing upon the World Teacher, the Christ. In this context the Christ is the title given to the head of the spiritual hierarchy.

Aquarius New Moon – Above the Turmoil

By |2019-05-10T01:21:52+00:00January 28th, 2017|New Moon|

The new moon in Aquarius ushers in two important events. We welcome the Chinese New Year and a few weeks later we begin the yearly eclipse cycle. In Chinese astrology this is the year of the Fiery Rooster. This year the Rooster is a harbinger of great change and with it will come many challenges but it also brings the fire of hope and transformation if we can act in a harmonious way toward the challenges that occur.

Capricorn Full Moon Meditation – January 2017

By |2019-05-10T01:12:23+00:00January 11th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

This particular full moon presents us with several powerful challenges. We are dealing with what is called a cardinal cross. It is when 4 planets are all in cardinal signs and they form a cross in the sky. These planets are the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. What this cross is asking of us is to strengthen our patience, to use our intelligence in making decisions, to act in a purposeful way, with discipline and an attitude of cooperation. The energies of this cross can stimulate impulsiveness, rash and thoughtless behavior. Part of this dyna

Capricorn New Moon ~ Finding the Right Mountain to Climb

By |2019-05-10T01:21:58+00:00December 28th, 2016|New Moon|

The symbol for Capricorn is the mountain goat. Sure footed and steady he climbs the mountain of either material achievement or spiritual enlightenment, depending on his level of consciousness. Either mountain demands discipline, commitment, and an ability to focus on the goal. To use the energies of Capricorn

Sagittarius Full Moon – Meditation for Expansion

By |2019-05-10T01:12:30+00:00December 11th, 2016|Full Moon Meditation|

Winter and the Winter Solstice, in particular, is a time that asks us to go within and find a still point there. A point of light. The light may be difficult to find right now, within ourselves or within our world, but this is our task, to hold steady in that light and radiate it outward to a world in need. It’s been a difficult few weeks for many of us and it’s been a challenge to find our center amid so much division and separateness, but surely this is what we are being asked to do. To hold steady, to shine our light, to not give in to despair or hopelessness. We are not helpless. We have the power to affect the world situation and we can invoke the energy of Sagittarius to help us.

Leo Full Moon Meditation

By |2019-05-10T01:15:38+00:00August 18th, 2016|Full Moon Meditation|

This month we meet the energy of Leo whose ruling planet is the Sun, our life force. Because there is more life force energy available to us right now we are invited to move outward, to express, to illumine. These are all Leo qualities. Leo is a great teaching sign so we take our creative gifts and bring them out into the world. We need to invoke Aquarius to help us here. Aquarius is the sign opposite Leo at the time of the full moon. Aquarius is all about distribution, integration and group consciousness as opposed to the Leo personality who is self- conscious, (focused only on himself).

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