My Window Box
Who ever heard of a shy flower? An introvert of sorts? I was delighted at the discovery - and it made me think of the people I know and their lovely hidden gems - available for admiration by those who give them a chance and who patiently wait and slow down enough to look and discover them.
Virgo Full Moon – 25 August 2018
Pisces can be self-sacrificing when it is not in touch with the larger picture. The full moon on the Pisces/Virgo axis is about service. This is not necessarily about participating in some worthwhile activity. It is about radiating the light that is within us into our daily life. It is a natural expression of the activity of the Soul.
Stop Talking
As I sat down to take on the challenge to stop talking and stop thinking – because you’ve got to admit – it’s a great challenge – my first thought was, “No talking? No thinking? What else is there to do?”
Restoring Natural Resilience
What if you could restore your natural resilience so you could respond to situations with equanimity rather that react with intensity to stressful situations? The good news is your system is designed to move into harmony and resiliency. This means you can learn to maintain a calm attitude, be at ease, and respond appropriately despite life’s daily challenges.
Mindful Heart Astrology: Mutability and Mutable Quadruplicity
Adaptability and Change of Mutable Signs Mutable signs are the facilitators that actively serve to transition to something new, signaling the end of the season. The common qualities of: accommodation, adaptability, change, compliance, [...]
Meditation on the Full Moon in Leo – A Powerful Season of Eclipses
We have entered the powerful season of eclipses. The new moon, which formed on July 12 at 7:48 PM PDT, was the first of three eclipses occurring in the next four weeks, signaling a time of major endings and beginnings. Eclipses are extra powerful new and full moons; as the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up more closely, cosmic energies are focalized and intensified, accelerating our evolution. Solar eclipses catalyze shifts in our identity and roles; impelling us to align more deeply with our essence, rather than our egos