
The Element Air

The element Air is one of four represented in the zodiac, the other three are Fire, Earth and Water. Every chart has some of each element represented though some will have a balance (equal distribution of the elements). Others will reflect an emphasis or lack of one or more of the elements.  In some cases, an element may dominate the planets while in others the elements are in some proportion reflected by House cusp rulerships.

It is important to note that each element is equally important and reflects the critical relationship of humans with life on planet earth. The basic principles behind the elements will reveal something of the inherent qualities in each sign of the zodiac, and thus any given chart.

Communication and Connection

Element AirThose signs in Air tend to have energy directed towards communication and connection. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are all bridge-builders of sorts, able to see both sides of a situation.  They are objective and logical, able to bring clarity to emotional situations. Airy people tend to be sociable, good networkers and connectors of ideas and people. Though all three of the signs express differently as they reflect the ‘quadruplicity’ (or mode) to which they belong.

Libra is a cardinal sign and its beginning marks the Autumnal Equinox, or the start of Fall in Northern Hemisphere. So, its associated energy is initiatory. Known as the diplomat or peacekeeper, Libra uses ‘bridge-building’ qualities to mediate challenging or adversarial positions in matters relating to individual people or clearly defined groups. They are motivated to take action in situations requiring a dose of harmony or balance.

Aquarius represents the fixed mode and is a sign that will take a strong, determined stand in fighting for a cause they believe in, using powers of logic and rationality. While Libra often operates within more one-on-one or group issues, Aquarius tends to build-bridges across greater divides., These may be international or global in nature, reflecting issues that impact ‘the many’.

The mutable Air sign of Gemini reflects energy that is always on the move, ready for change and the opportunity to socialize. They establish quick connections that tend to be impersonal and shorter term with some immediacy in result. They then move on to the next contact. Therefore, within the scope of the Air signs, one might notice a progression from Gemini as a social connection that is often fleeting, to Libra as a more serious or focused energy that engages to create harmony, and then to Aquarius who takes the concept of connection to the societal stage with broader issues. In effect from the one, to the few, to the many.

Air Energy Expression

Each of the Air signs can be social, objective and cerebral, in their own way. Air signs, represent a positive polarity, meaning they tend to be more outwardly expressive. They look to make connections rather than waiting for them to arrive. An individual with an abundance of Air can be easily identified by their actions. So, this which reflects how they engage the energy of their modality.

Gemini tends to be quite chatty and verbal in their communication. They appear to flitter from one connection to another, seemingly more interested in quantity and variety of their acquaintances rather than establishing friendships which are deeper and fewer in number. They tend to be more concerned with the benefit or impact of the connection on themselves personally, or how it relates to the moment, and it can be difficult to hold their attention.

Libra, on the other hand, tends to be more selfless and can be recognized by their obvious desire to create harmony and be inclusive, helping others feel comfortable by drawing them in, trying to insure they do not feel as if they are on the fringe, or that they don’t belong. Librans often seem more able to maintain their focus on the individual or situation in front of them, in conversation with a Libra one might feel as though they are the only person in a crowded room, whereas Gemini might give the impression that their interest is only fleeting, and they are not really paying attention to the conversation.

In the case of Aquarius, the nature of their connections often represent a wide group of unusual or non-mainstream types who, on the surface may appear to have nothing in common. As well, their connections can also reflect larger societal or global causes within which they have an interest and take an active role. Aquarians often perceive things differently than most and their thought processes can be considered unique. Their interests, and their thinking, might seem unconventional or non-traditional but they may cause others to ‘see things’ in a new and perhaps more inspiring way.

Recognizing Air Energy

Air Elemnt

People with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in an Air signs, or with an emphasis of Air in their chart, will tend to have a talent for facilitating connections and coming up with new ideas or ways of addressing issues. For example, one might consider Gandhi who’s Sun and Ascendant both in Libra, manifested as a leadership role in India’s movement towards independence, demonstrating the qualities of both the element (Air) and modality (Cardinality) of Libra. His approach took the form of a peaceful protest that impacted the connection of his country with the British empire.

Another example is John Lennon with Sun in Libra and Moon in Aquarius, inspiring him to write music that promoted (communication) the idea of world peace in a intellectual (song writing) way, taking a type of leadership position but with very broad reaching implications. While Gandhi’s focus was on his home country, Lennon’s concern was the global community, the example of the two demonstrating how Libra and Aquarian characteristics might show up differently. Whether Libra, Aquarius or Gemini the ideas of communication, intellect, connection and people are always involved.

Blending Elements

As with most things, too much or too little can have an adverse affect on situations within one’s life. Too much Air in one’s chart can show up as an individual having lots of creative ideas and connections, but difficulty in grounding or manifesting them. A lack of Air might appear in an individual who is reluctant to make connections or who lacks in objectivity. A combination of other elements with Air creates possibilities for a different expression of the ‘air qualities’.

For example, Air with Earth often comes across as tangible ideas, grounded in the natural world. Air with Fire can result in lots of inspirational and passionate ideas, but with the chance of burning out quickly. In the case of Air and Water, creative intellect may be emphasized with a tendency towards being emotional or subjective. Of course, other factors in the chart will have an influence and either temper or fuel these traits. Awareness is essential in self-understanding, and there is always potential for the individual to modify behaviour based on personal growth and experience.

How do you Experience the Air in Your Makeup?

The degree to which each element is reflected in a natal chart will have a bearing on the level of that energy’s expression within the life of the individual. As you have been reading through this article some of the examples may have sparked a hint of recognition in “Airy” personalities you know. I invite you to consider the balance or imbalance of Air in your own chart and how it has manifested for you.

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