
Fixity and the Fixed Quadruplicity

The Middle of the Season

As covered in a previous post, the signs of the zodiac are divided into three groups (or Quadruplicities) containing four signs, one from each of the four elements (fire, earth, air, water). You may recall, the modes represent a three-part process. The Fixed Quadruplicity is the second part of this process which is associated with concentrating and sustaining the energy initiated by Cardinality. Fixity reflects the sign occupied by the Sun during the middle (2nd third) of a season and is the time when what has been initiated during the previous sign has taken root and grown. The Fixed signs accept the ‘hand-off’ from the Cardinal signs and focus energy towards realization of the material result. Manifestation is what the fixed signs are all about and we see this energy express through the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Nestled between Cardinal and Mutable signs, the Fixed signs are quite happy where they are and not naturally inclined to move at all. The common qualities they share are stability, preservation, persistence, and dedication or loyalty to the result. The quality of Fixity is resistance to change and energy to maintain.

The Fixed signs are all about attachment, which is both their strength and their weakness. A Fixed sign can absolutely be relied upon to make things happen, through persistence and endurance. This is focused and concentrated energy that will get the job done, and this stability and ‘sticktuitiveness’ can be reassuring for those around them, particularly when there is a long road ahead. However, the need to hold on to what they have manifested makes it difficult for them to let go and move on when it is time to do so, whether it relates to things, people, ideas and feelings.

Qualities inherent within the Fixed signs are expressed quite differently by each of them, in part because each sign reflects its element. Taurus seems to be the sign most easily recognizable as Fixed, visions of the Bull digging its feet into the earth are what often comes to mind. The expression ‘stuck in a rut’ suggests the unwillingness of Taurus to change or move as they get very comfortable with what they know…they are attached to the material world and quite uncomfortable with what they cannot see or touch.

Leo GlyphLeo tends to have an attachment to pride and is therefore unwilling to change if they perceive others might shift their opinion of them. They strongly identify with status and accomplishment although their pride can extend to include those they love and care about. The more positive expressions of the sign’s Fixed quality is a sense of loyalty and belonging that has importance, both given and received.Scorpio Glyph

In the case of the Fixed water sign, Scorpio, attachment relates to feelings and the idea of protecting or preserving emotional well-being. Loyalty is a trait they have in common with Leo and if you have the love or friendship of either it generally suggests a long-term commitment. However, if a Scorpio’s feelings are hurt they are not the ‘forgive and forget’ type.

Aquarius GlyphThe final Fixed sign, Aquarius, represents the element of air, so it is their thinking and ideas they tend to hold onto. On the positive side, Aquarians are often involved in humanitarian causes and steadfast thinking about the welfare of their chosen issue is what keeps them on track and committed. The downside to their resolute nature is a tendency to not recognize when it is time to change gears or to give up the fight altogether.

When it comes to considering a chart, the balance or imbalance of modes provides an indication into one’s general approach to life. Every chart has twelve signs and often an even distribution of modes, though an overabundance or lack of a mode will signify tendencies in the life of the individual. If the chart is heavily weighted towards Fixity, there is a tendency to approach the challenges of life by digging in, with stubbornness, inflexibility and a resistance to change, at times outright denial and a refusal to deal with a problem. There seems to be some inherent feeling that there is strength in maintaining their position.

Strong Fixity indicates great energy for manifesting projects and making things happen, but they need to accept the handoff from somewhere else (Cardinality). These signs don’t initiate a project or venture but are quite happy to jump in and get the job done, once the goal and parameters are clear. The difficult may come when they need to let go of the finished project and move on to something else.

James DeanOne example of a strong Fixed sign is Queen Elizabeth II with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Leo, clearly reflecting the strong, steady, reliable, consistent and resolute personality we have come to recognize. Barbra Streisand is another (€Taurus Sun and Leo Moon) with whom we get the sense of strong ideas and courage of her convictions. A double Aquarius (Sun and Moon in Aquarius) can represent very definite ideas and strong opinions as one might recognize with the Actor Ashton Kutcher. And finally, James Dean was an intense expression of single-mindedness with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio. These few examples illustrate how strong Fixity can manifest in a variety of ways. Of course, there are charts that represent a lack of Fixity which can indicate challenges with willpower or staying power, being pulled in many different directions all at the same time, or seeming to wander without specific aim or purpose.

At its best, well balanced Fixity shows up as determination, persistence, reliability, loyalty and tremendous endurance with lots of energy to expend once it gets moving. Following the energy of manifestation, Mutability takes over, facilitating the transition towards something new…the topic of another posting. For now, I invite you to consider the degree of Fixity in your own chart. Is it balanced, overly abundant, or lacking? Consider how the quality (balance or imbalance) has manifested in your life.