Walking the Path – Pilgrimage2017-11-27T01:41:06+00:00

Exploring the Spiritual Path through Pilgrimage

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We can understand the spiritual path as a journey to our deepest self. Many of us experience a deep longing to live a meaningful life, a life connected to something bigger than ourselves. We learn early that this is a life-long journey striving to emerge out of the dark illusion of our separateness and into the light of the soul and its truth of unity and oneness.

We are seeking to arrive at the sacred place of our true identity –that divine essence within that is our source of love and connection with everything. But, how do we get there? We get there by looking for the soul and its lessons in the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of our lives. We get there by committing to the soul’s journey and stepping on the path. Just like pilgrims throughout history who set off to journey to a sacred site, what you discover has to do with what you are seeking. What are you seeking on your life’s journey?


The Invitation: In this regular feature we explore the joys, fears, discoveries, and challenges of walking the path in everyday life. We also explore the ways in which the outer journey of preparing for and walking the 500 mile Camino pilgrimage in Spain, reflects the inner journey of awakening to and walking towards the soul within us. We hope these experiences will resonate with you as you consciously embark on your own walk towards soul awareness. Please join us! We’d love to talk with you as we walk this path together.

611, 2019

Want To Run Away?

November 6th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

I showed up to this gathering feeling fantastic – and the last thing I wanted was to start feeling sad as the people around me were expressing their grief. No – no – no – I definitely didn’t want to go there. I started looking longingly at the door. Was there any way I could slip away – without being noticed – and just go on my merry way? No chance.

210, 2019

What Do You Really Want?

October 2nd, 2019|Tags: , |0 Comments

There’s a point in each yoga class when I say to my students, “What do you really want? Open your heart to it and imagine that you are receiving it now.” I have no idea what they want; although because it’s a class called “Yoga For Stress Reduction," I imagine they all want to feel peaceful and calm. So I offer that as a suggestion – priming the pump a little. But who knows? Maybe what they’re imagining receiving is a new car, or a promotion at work?

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