Meditation During the Full Moon

So what’s the big deal about the cycles of the moon anyway?  What is its deeper significance?  In the esoteric philosophy we attempt to inquire into the realm of meaning.  We study the nature of the soul, of consciousness as a way to enhance our spiritual evolution.  By honoring the new moon and the full moon each month we become active, conscious participants in our own unfolding.

In the esoteric philosophy it is understood that constellations and planets are the bodies of highly evolved Beings, planetary and solar gods, so to speak.  As such they transmit energies.  Each month the sun enters a different constellation and as the time of the full moon approaches the energies become more intense.  At the exact moment of the full moon there is an alignment that takes place. An electromagnetic ray of golden light links the sun, moon, the earth and the constellation. This alignment is like a doorway to the spiritual realms, a portal that opens allowing the energies of the planets, rays, and the constellation to descend.  As energetic beings we are recipients of this down pouring so we feel the impact whether consciously or unconsciously. How the energies affect us is dependent on the level of consciousness we embody.  Are we solely identified with our personalities?  If so, then that’s where the impact will be felt.  Our ego selves will be stimulated.  If we have some measure of Soul infusion the energies will stimulate those qualities of the Soul that we embody and our consciousness will expand and evolve. Who of us wouldn’t like to live more from our Higher Selves? As we work each month in a conscious way those Soul qualities become embedded in our auras and we expand our consciousness and take an active role in our own spiritual evolution. In this way we can also serve more effectively as we use those energies to help uplift humanity.

Full Moon January 2020

This month we celebrate the Capricorn/Cancer polarity. The full moon moment occurs on January 10th at 11:21 am, (PST) It is preceded by a lunar eclipse at 11:11 am, making it a very powerful few minutes. In addition to these two events, 5 planets are also in the sign of Capricorn. So this is a very concentrated, intense energy that we will be dealing with this month.

By |January 6th, 2020|Categories: Full Moon, Moon Cycles|Tags: , |0 Comments

Leo Full Moon 2019

The journey through Leo requires the courage and devotion of the Lion, one of the symbols of Leo. We are asked to embody nothing less than the spark of divinity that we are. Once that recognition takes place and we feel our sacredness, we feel the connection to our heart, we become aware of the gifts we have to share with the world.

By |August 14th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Full Moon, Full Moon Meditation|Tags: , , |0 Comments
By |2019-05-10T01:16:21+00:00March 29th, 2016|Full Moon Meditation|0 Comments

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About the Author:

Karen Johannsen holds a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology. She spent many years as an elementary school teacher before entering the field of psychology where she was in private practice for over 25 years. She retired in 2014 to write her book and create the card deck called Full Moon Magic. Karen has been a student of the ageless wisdom teachings since 1985 and has studied astrology under Michael Robbins and Heidi Robbins. She has been holding full moon ceremonies in her home and at the Theosophical Society in Seattle since 2002. Visit her websites, The One Heart and My Gentle Musings.

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