Life Practices2019-02-16T01:24:40+00:00
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Super Powers – Facing Fear – Feeling Feelings

Here’s the super power that would really be helpful - no fear of feeling feelings. What if I had no fear to feel? What if I was able to accept and welcome all of my feelings? What if I had no fear of my emotions overwhelming me – taking residence and never leaving?

Horse as Healer

My life with horses began as a deep friendship and a whole lot of fun. After 35 years, my relationship with them is all that and so much more.My best friend of 27 years was my horse friend Admiral. We journeyed through life together, beginning in my early teens through marriage and motherhood. It wasn't until the time arrived for me to assist in his death that the profound awakening of our relationship opened to me. I'll talk more about that at another time.

By |June 12th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Nature and Animal Messengers, Soul Bridging|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Spiritual Transformation – It’s a Team Effort

A team that doesn't work well together successfully isn't a money team. It doesn't mean that they are not fun, exciting, or lively. But, it usually means that they are not very effective. If the players don't work together to get the ball into the goal, or the puck into the net, or the football over the line they, are not considered a successful team. Similarly, the Soul can't use a personality whose components don't function as a team. Considering ourselves in this way is a helpful analogy for thinking about the process of spiritual awakening and personality integration.

By |March 13th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Rayology and the Seven Streams of Consciousness

Rayology can help us to awaken to who we are and how we can use our gifts and strengths most effectively. As we become conscious of our unique pattern of energies and when we live true to that pattern, we grow into who and what we already are in essence. In fact, it is our most profound purpose as human beings to manifest our spiritual blueprint or archetype.

By |March 7th, 2019|Categories: Astrology, Rayology|Tags: , |0 Comments

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