The New Moon2019-05-10T17:25:32+00:00

New Moon

The moon sits in alignment between the Earth and the Sun during the New Moon. The side of the moon that receives the light from the sun faces away from us, and so the moon is not visible to us during this phase of the moon cycle. The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle and so, it is an opportunity to participate in its energetic gift of initiating the new. Ideas and intentions that are set during the new moon will germinate and take root so that they can bloom at the full moon in two week’s time.

The moon is our most visible reminder of the on-going process of giving birth to ourselves.

~ Rhea Wolf

I love the potential, possibilities, and invitation of the New Moon. While the Full Moon is about completion, the new moon is about beginnings. Its energy is like that of a ripe, empty womb calling for a new seed to be planted. This fertile welcoming energy invites us to plant our intention so that the greater life can work with us to manifest. When we seed our environment with our intentions during this time, they develop through the coming days and weeks and culminate at the full moon, and find completion.

New Moon in AriesThe Sun and the Moon are both in the same sign at the time of the New Moon. So it is beneficial to attend to the energy that the astrological sign is expressing to understand how this is reflected in our environment. The tides are at their nadir and peak, so the pull on our emotional bodies can be felt more acutely.

A Fresh Beginning

The New Moon is symbolic of beginnings or a second chance. We can use this time to reflect on what we have been holding and find renewal. During this time we can remember that today, we are new, fresh, full of new ideas and that we dare to bring them life. In the words of Anne of Green Gables, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”. The New Moon is our tomorrow – with no mistakes.

Holding intention as a way to ground and anchor the very purpose of our being and allow for the universe to act through us, in partnership. An intention is based on trust, and it leaves us open to possibilities larger than our imagination. Here is a simple ritual you can perform to help you ground and remember your intention.

Setting Intention

  • Smudge your house with sage or cedar or light a candle.
  • Meditate. Imagine yourself surrounded by white light. Reflect on what is completed and what is wanting to manifest. Create your intention in your mind.
  • Write it down. Make sure that frame your intention positively. State what you want.
  • Place your written intention on your altar.
  • Walk through your house or apartment and find objects that support your intention. Place them on your altar as a reminder of your intention for the coming days.


1910, 2017

New Moon in Libra – 2017

By |October 19th, 2017|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

One of the major players in this Libra new moon is the planet Uranus. Uranus is exactly opposite the Sun/Moon conjunction. This configuration can inspire an evolutionary leap of consciousness in the area of our personal relationships. How this expansion may play out in your life only you can discern, but it helps to be aware of the possibility. Uranus represents the invitation to expand our minds beyond our conditioning and any preconceived ideas of what is possible.

410, 2017

Virgo New Moon – Presence and Mindfulness

By |October 4th, 2017|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , , |0 Comments

New moons constitute an in-breath. It’s a time to pause and reflect on where we are and where we wish to be.  We set intentions, we ponder on what we wish to create, develop, make manifest.  We consider any guidance we may have received at the full moon and make plans to act on what needs to come forth. At the time of a new moon the moon and sun sit right next to each other in the sky and they are always in the same sign. 

2008, 2017

Leo New Moon – The Great American Eclipse 2017

By |August 20th, 2017|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

Eclipses are known as evolutionary gateways, giving us the opportunity to grow up in new ways, to wipe clean the slate of old patterns, and to emerge somewhere different than when we entered. They also signify that something has completed itself, something is ending to make way for the new. To take advantage of these powerful energies we need to examine what changes may be needed in our lives. We are dealing with an aspect, Sun trine Uranus, which will offer us the support that we need to adjust to the changes that may occur in our lives or on our planet. Even though this is a harmonious aspect, with Uranus in the picture we must be prepared for the unexpected, the explosive, the unpredictable change.

1807, 2017

New Moon in Leo 2017

By |July 18th, 2017|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , |0 Comments

The sun moves into the sign of Leo on July 22nd. Leo is a fire sign and when we add the fiery energy of Mars, which will be sitting right next to the Leo sun, we have a potent combination.The July 23rd New Moon takes place at 0 degrees of Leo, announcing the Leo season. New moons always herald new beginnings and this one has all the potential to be a hot one. How does the energy of fire sit in your body? Does it burn you up or energize you? With this Leo/Mars combination there is the possibility of a wide range of expressions. Mars wants action, wants to initiate something. Leo is only too willing to step on the stage and create something new as long as he is the star of the show.

2306, 2017

Cancer New Moon 2017

By |June 23rd, 2017|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , , |0 Comments

This new moon is an especially potent time to consider what it is you wish to manifest in the coming months. The Summer Solstice occurred just three days before this new moon which means that there is a powerful pathway created that allows for a download of celestial energies. This sacred opening will give us the opportunity to connect more deeply with our Higher Self and will help us remember that we are all Divine Beings.

2205, 2017

The Gemini New Moon 2017

By |May 22nd, 2017|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , , |0 Comments

One of the rulers of Gemini is Mercury, the messenger of the gods, so this new moon will bring us plenty of new and stimulating ideas as well as opportunities to manifest our deepest desires. Gemini loves the new and exciting and the variety of different experiences. It is bored easily. However, these new ideas may meet with challenges and disapproval by others because of some stressful planetary configurations.

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New Moon in Leo 2019

Leo New Moon ~ Leo is the sign of the lion: proud dramatic, and playful. It is ruled by the Sun, and so signifies the radiant energy of life that shines its warmth down on the Earth. The Sun is our will and our fire: it is what we came here to do.  Using the energy of this New Moon, we can set intentions to direct our efforts into areas that empower and revitalize rather than drain our energy. If there are activities that create a spirit of enthusiasm within you, the Leo New Moon invites you to participate. 

By |July 29th, 2019|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Full Moon in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse 2019

The Sun entered the sign of Cancer on June 21, the day of the summer solstice. At the time of the full moon on July 16, we also have a partial lunar eclipse at 11:55 am (PDT). The exact moment of the full moon occurs a few hours later at 2:38 pm. Any time we refer to “lunar” we are talking about the emotional body. It’s the moon, the past, the Mother principle. The moon stimulates our sensitivities and as it controls the tides in the oceans it also impacts our mood swings, our feeling nature. We are called then to be mindful

By |July 14th, 2019|Categories: Full Moon, Moon Cycles|2 Comments

New Moon in Gemini 2019

Gemini is the sign of the twins and is inquisitive, social, and flexible by nature. With Gemini, we seek to branch out and discover new ways of perceiving the world. Use the energy of this New Moon to call more curiosity into your life and to see the connections between different ideas, people, or places. Perhaps there are connections to discover within you as well.

By |June 1st, 2019|Categories: New Moon|Tags: , , |0 Comments

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